-I like being messy

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The room was bigger than I expected. It was surely way too much space for this many people. But, the tables did end up filling those empty places.

Before I introduced myself to my coworkers, I searched the tables for a spot that had a tag with my name.

Once I did, my heart stopped at the sight of the tag next to mine. Its letters blurred in my mind and all I could think of was the boy at the club. Now I knew the name that belonged to him.

"Hey, water girl!" The familiar voice called.

I squeezed my eyes shut before turning around to see him. My mind flooded with panic, and when he called me by this unwanted nickname again, I felt forced to go to him.

"Don't call me that," I warned.

There were a few roles I could've played, the annoyed and vexed girl seemed to be the first I thought of. How could I be decent to him especially after he called me that god-awful nickname?

The corner of Leo's lips curved into the tiniest smile, my little act was amusing to him.

"I'm gonna keep calling you that," the smile grew bigger as he pointed at my face, "you look cute when you're angry"

"I do not!" I insisted on it.

"But you do," he nodded, then took a paper that everyone had, out of his pocket, "anyway, what's your real name"

"What is that?" I ignored his question and focused on the paper.

"It's got all the characters and who's playing them," Leo explained, "so, your name?"

"I'm working with an idiot," I said under my breath.

His brows raised while studying the paper, "that's a bit rude."

"Isn't it obvious?" I motioned towards the room "we're the only young people here."

Leo finally glanced up and looked at the room "ohh...so I'm guessing you're Aviana Hale."


He burst into laughter, "I'm gonna see you naked."

"Seriously? That's the first thing you think of?" A gap formed in between my lips.

His hands clasped over my cheeks, "you're stuck with me for half a year"

"I'll probably end up killing myself two weeks in," I muttered, "and don't touch me"

"Aw, why so negative?" Leo pouted, "we're gonna be best friends now."

"I already hate this."

"I like you," he grinned "you'll be fun to irritate."

James Cameron's voice overtook everyone else's as he spoke, "please take a seat so we can start the table read. We'll also do introductions."

When the cast got to their assigned seats, one by one, people introduced themselves to the rest of the group. All their names went through one of my ears and came right out, I've never been good with names, probably why I couldn't figure out who Leo was at the club.

The table read lasted hours, from nine am to two pm. The movie, in total, was supposed to be about three hours and we went through the script twice...so that's why.

Leo kept doing little annoying things, like kicking my foot with his or using my head as an armrest whenever I bent down a bit.

"That's why I trust it," I said my line for the second time.

Every inch of energy had been drained from me and I relied on my coffee to keep me from passing out on the table.

"Jack and Rose kiss and then the titanic will crash into the iceberg," Jim, what James Cameron told us to call him, summarized.

We all flipped our pages.

I tapped my pen on the script from boredom, I didn't have any more lines for a while. Neither did Leo.

I moved Leo's hand in front of me, and without his permission, I started to write to him as the pen cap stayed in between my teeth.

He got on my nerve, and I knew this wouldn't help, but I wanted a bit of revenge.

"What are you doing?" He whispered in confusion.

By the time he asked it, I was already finished.

The word, asshole, splattered in ink across his skin.

Unfortunately, my plan failed because instead of getting irritated, he began giggling quietly.


I nudged his arm off of the armrest...which we were expected to share. That was not going to happen.

"Stop taking up so much space," I snapped.

"You're the one taking all of it," Leo's eyes narrowed.

The fact that I was being forced to sit next to him on a plane for three hours, was horrible.

"Fine," I pulled the armrest up so it wasn't between us anymore, "there, now we have more space"

"Cool," he crossed his arms.

"Cool," I responded with the same arm-crossed position.

Planes weren't exactly a fear of mine, it's just that I wasn't ever in one, so I was a bit nervous being here. As it got closer to take off, my anxiety built up.

I glanced at Leo who, unlike me, was so calm. His script was on his lap and he scrolled through the pages. It had highlighted parts everywhere and looked so worn out.

I didn't understand how he managed to make it look so...disgusting. It had rips on almost every page and the cover was all crumbled up. Also a few stains.

"You okay?" Leo looked up at me.

I nodded and there was a moment of silence where Leo was thinking. About what? I had no clue.

"You've got a fear of planes," Leo commented, finding it funny.

"It's not a fear," I tried to loosen up a bit, "I'm just not used to them."

"Mhmm," he shook his head, unconvinced.

"Why does your script look like that?" I studied it.

"Why does yours not?" He motioned towards mine, which was in the back pocket in the seat in front of me.

"I like being neat," I shrugged.

"I like being messy."

"We're gonna get along great..." I sighed.

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