-Want to dance

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"You know how I told you about that guy I met at a club in sunset boulevard?" Gianna stared down at her phone as she chewed her gum.

I nodded, focusing on the road ahead of me.

"He won't leave me alone" Gianna groaned, rolling her eyes in annoyance.

"What? Is he a dick?" I asked.

"No" she pouted "he's sweet it's just..."

I sighed, about to speak but she interrupted quickly "When will we be there?"

"Soon, the restaurant is somewhere around here" I told her.

Gianna started to clap her hands in excitement "I can't believe I get to meet all of them" she then saw my gloomy expression and frowned "what's wrong?"

"Nothing" I insisted "just tired"

"You've been pretty off the past few days" Gianna tilted her head as she studied me with a raised brow "is there something you're not telling me?"

"Nope" I lied, it felt weird lying to her but I didn't want to tell her about Ethan and the fight with Leo yet.

"So why is your foot tapping so much? You look really anxious and worried" she crossed her arms, now mad that I'm keeping something from her.

She's right, I do look really nervous, this cast dinner was definitely something I didn't want to do. For a number of reasons, but mostly because Leo will be there. It's stupid to be anxious about this, but recently, just seeing Leo stresses me out. Why? because after all this, I'm not comfortable around him anymore.

"I'm perfectly fine" I assured Gianna.


"I'm fine" I interrupted her in a firm tone, signaling for her to stop pushing it.

I parked the car in front of the tall building. Apparently it's a hotel, but has a restaurant with a beautiful view of the ocean open for the public. Kathy went once, she then recommended it to everyone, eventually people made plans and that's how this whole cast dinner happened. There's been a few more in the past, but they're pretty rare.

We asked a guy at the lobby check in to the direction of the restaurant, he then showed us towards the elevators and told us which floor to go to.

Me and Gianna stayed silent as the modern elevator went up slowly.

Kathy, Billy, Frances, Leo, Danny, and Jason where already there. I'm not sure if more people where coming, but probably not.

Kathy spotted me and Gianna from a far and waved to us, telling us to come to the table. Gianna smiled at me, already star struck. She didn't even know any of them, she was just star struck because of the fact that they're all in the entertainment industry.

When we got to the table, I introduced Gianna to everyone. We took the last two empty seats, and of course, I was right across from Leo.

Everyone at the table split into their own little conversations. Gianna tried to talk to Leo but he didn't answer to her, or anyone else. So she just tried to make conversation with the others. Everyone chatted and laughed at each others jokes, except for me and Leo. We were completely quiet and trying our best not to make eye contact, which was a struggle since we where facing each others direction.

Leo took his water and slumped down in his seat, he swirled the glass around as if it were wine and stared down at it.

"So what have you two lovebirds been up to?" Billy joked as he asked me and Leo.

"What?" we blurted out at the same time, now both me and Leo leaning forward and staring at Billy.

"Relax" he chuckled "I'm just asking how everything is with filming"

Hate You Too - Leonardo DiCaprioWhere stories live. Discover now