-Truly sorry

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"Okay you two, get up and then we'll start stretching" Savanna dropped her water bottle down and walked up the steps to the platform.

The room was completely empty, only me, Savanna, Jim and Leo. We were supposed to spend the whole Monday working on this specific part in the dance scene. For the rest of the week, we'll be doing the same thing except surrounded by extras and cameras. We were supposed to still practice in the studio, but Jim decided we should do it on the actual set, just to warm up to the place and figure out how everything will work.

Jim started taking out tape and made X shapes on the hardwood floor "Avi, you go here" he pointed to an X "and Leo, you go here" he motioned towards the other one. "Both of you have to make sure to stay over the x's"

Me and Leo nodded and stood awkwardly as Savanna showed Jim something on her clipboard.

"I know you two already know the steps, so what about..." she thought for a second "Avi, please do your part and then we'll watch Leo"

Not having the energy to fake being happy, with a completely straight face, I did the steps perfectly.

"now Leo" she turned her head towards him and watched as he did his part.

"Good job you two" Jim grinned and then looked down at his script "let's rehearse the dancing part at least five times, pretend the cameras are actually here" he kept studying the script as he talked "we'll take a break after and then do it a few more times"

Savanna turned on the music we're supposed to dance to in the scene and started counting out loud as we did the steps.

I forced a smile as I danced, trying my best to hide all the feelings in my head at the moment. This was already torture, just a few days ago me and Leo got in a fight, and now I'm expected to dance with him.

As we did the dance five times, my legs got tired, making it more of a struggle to act happy. I could tell Leo was also struggling as much as me...a whole cloud of gloominess, anger, and sadness surrounded both me and Leo, and I guess no one else noticed since Jim and Savanna where to focused on watching our exact movements.

"Okay now this is the spinning part" Jim reminded us, but we already knew since we've done it so many times already.

Leo tapped me on the shoulder and then we locked arms, spinning in a circle.

Im dreading the moment when I'll have to wear the actual costume, so right now I'm just trying to enjoy being able to be in my shorts and sports top.

For a second it almost felt as if everything is...okay. No Ethan, no fights, just me and Leo having fun. Unfortunately, the feeling quickly went away, like a rush of wind that comes out of no where and leaves in a instant.

"Take 10" Jim said as we finished doing it for the fifth time "just get some water, and Savanna stay here so we can talk"

She nodded and they sat at a foldable table that will be long gone by tomorrow when we start filming in here. There was barely any furniture in the room, only a few modern chairs and tables. Tomorrow morning, the props director and a few other people are replacing everything with 1912 themed things.

I squatted down and opened my bag, taking out a hair band and a bottle of water. I laid my back against the wall and drank my freezing water slowly. My guess was that we've been here for already two hours, even though we only practiced it five times, Jim and Savanna would sometimes make us stop so they can critique us on what we're doing.

I put my hair up in a high ponytail, which I didn't do often. It usually pulls on my hair to much, but now my forehead is full of sweat so I need to keep my hair out of my face.

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