-Such a drama queen

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It was more of an apartment than a hotel room. Much better than my apartment.

Colors like red, yellow, and brown filled it. There was a kitchen, table, couch, and a door leading to the bedroom.

I got excited at the first glance. The realization of living here for six months hit me, and I was more than glad it did. I loved my own home, I did, but this was so much better.

The balcony view was also astonishing, I fantasized about the future mornings on it...I'd drink my coffee, have some breakfast, all while getting to take in the ocean displayed in front of me.

I've never been in an apartment like this, not even Gianna's apartment topped this. And her apartment was not cheap or basic.

There was a knock on the door; my door.

"Wait one second" I called out to the person behind it. I took that one second to slide my two suitcases into the closet.

When I got to the door, I noticed Leo with his arms up in the air.

"Hello neighbor," he spoke with enthusiasm, sarcastic enthusiasm.

"Go away."

He most definitely did not do that, instead, he walked past me and observed the room just as I did moments ago.

"Yours isn't too different from mine."

I sighed and closed the door, "that's because we're in the same hotel"

"Yeah, and we're neighbors," he reminded me with an annoying smile.

"You don't have to repeat yourself," I mumbled, then slid off my sweatshirt.

I was now only left with sweatpants and a pretty revealing blacktop. It took me a while to notice, and once I did, I understood it was too late for me to put my sweatshirt back on...it would be awkward if I did.

Leo didn't seem to care. I was still uncomfortable though, the top was almost no different from a bra.

Leo yawned, "I'm extremely tired, are you?"

"No, not really," I shook my head and covered my chest with my hoodie, "some people in the cast are gonna eat in the hotel restaurant, they want to get to know each other. I might go...will you?"

"Is that an invite?"

"No, it's a question. A question that's not being answered. So...are you going?"

"Do you want me to go?"

"I'm just asking a question, not answering one."

He drew in a deep breath, "I won't go. As I said before, I'm pretty tired."

"Alright then, have fun...sleeping," I swallowed.

There was an unnecessary tension between us, also some awkwardness. We were both uncomfortable, he was just better at hiding it.

"I will."

"Okay," I moved aside so he could get to the door. But he didn't budge, "I thought you were gonna go"

He glanced over at me, then at the door, then back at me. Until his eyes traveled down to my shirt.

"Hello? Earth to Leo," I waved my hand at him, "go"

"Alright, alright," he made his way to the door, "see you tomorrow"


Kathy, Billy, and Frances all chatted. They talked of the movie, what scenes they're excited to act in.

I stayed quiet, that's what I always did. I was content with doing it, and once Kathy dragged me into the conversation, I only wanted out.

"Avi, you got any idea where Leo is? I thought he'd be joining us."

"Why would I know?"

Kathy shrugged, "you two seem to be getting close, you're always around him."

"No, I'm not," I scoffed, "and we're not close, he's irritating."

Billy chuckled, "you're gonna hate the first scene you're doing then."

"What scene?" My brows furrowed.

"You don't know?"

I shook my head, "no, no I don't"

"Go to page one hundred and sixteen in your script, that's where the scene starts."

"Can't you just tell me?!" The suspension was making me boil on the inside, "Billy, tell me"

"Look in your script," he pushed.

I stood up with a grunt, "fine, I'll be right back."

I took my purse and left the hotel's restaurant. My sneakers clicked on the floor as I headed towards the elevators. I wanted to know what scene it was in that instant, and I cursed Billy in my head for not telling me what it was.

My pointer finger tapped at the elevator bottom rapidly. I had no patience.

By the time I got to my room, my script was non-existent. I panicked that I might have lost it for a couple of minutes, but luckily I eventually found it.

I flipped through the pages and stopped once I got to one hundred and sixteen.

"Fuck!" I screamed in disbelief, "oh please god kill me right now"

I slammed my face at the script, then continued to scream. My hands began to sweat and my heart rate increased as I thought of the scene.

The next thing I knew, I was aggressively knocking on Leo's door. I made sure to be loud enough so he'd wake up.

"Leo!" I yelled, "Open the door!"

After a couple of minutes, he did. He was shirtless, had messed up hair, and a tired look spread on his face.

"Put on a shirt!" I covered my eyes with my hand.

"What do you want,"he groaned.

With closed eyes, I handed him the script, "page one hundred and sixteen."

The sound of pages turning echoed, and Leo's laughter came after.

"Don't laugh!" I spat, "this isn't funny!"

"You're such a drama queen," his laughter faded, "this is gonna be hilarious."

"Hilarious?!" I finally opened my eyes and snatched the script from him, "no, this is tragic! And humiliating!"

"For you, not for me," he grinned.

"You are so..." I struggled to find the right word.


"Yes! Annoying!" I snapped, "so incredibly annoying"

"Okay," Leo giggled, "goodbye, Avi"

He shut the door.

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