-I thought so too

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"Come on already!" Ethan laughed and grabbed my hand.

Slowly he pulled me into the water, it was warm but felt weird as it touched my feet.

The beach was full of people, giving us barely a spot to sit on the sand, but we managed.

Me and Ethan walked in further, the water was already up to my thighs and the waves got bigger. I must admit, I was pretty hesitant to this whole "going to the beach idea" but I gave in and it's actually been pretty fun.

My hair was tied up in a ponytail and I wore my favorite black bathing suit, which I may or may not have chosen to impress Ethan.

I grabbed onto his arm. A shiver went down my spine when I saw the huge wave coming towards us.

"Ethan...what do we do" my breathing quickened.

"Jesus Christ you're so dramatic" Ethan joked "just swim under the wave"

"What?!" Before he could elaborate on the plan, the wave was to close. Panicking I ducked my head under, the wave pulling me back a bit. Once the wave was long gone I went back up for air. "Oh my god!" I laughed out of relief.

Ethan laughed with me "wasn't that cool!"

This was definitely better than when I went with Leo. My expression quickly changed when I thought about Leo.

I've been trying to call Leo all day but he's ignored all 8 of my calls. I still have been trying to figure out what I did that was so wrong, that kiss was a complete mistake, and I thought both of us thought that. I guess not. But what I also don't understand is why he's so angry and upset at me, we're friends, always have been.

Unfortunately, we didn't even do any scenes together today, so there was no way of talking to him.

"Ethan, I'm going to go back to the towels for a second. Stay here, I'll come back" I said and he nodded in response.

I sat down on my dark blue towel which was on those plastic beach seats. I searched through my bag to find my phone, when I did I put in Leos number and tried calling for the 9th time.

My foot tapped on the sand as the ringing sound echoed.

Leo: what.

Me: that's no way to answer the phone, where have your manners gone Leo.

Leo: just stop calling me.

Me: why?

Leo: I don't have to explain myself to you.

Me: why are you acting so rude?

Leo: well why do you keep calling me!

Me: because I want to talk to you!

Leo: And what if I don't want to talk to you? Ever thought about that?

Me: you know what, I have no idea what the fuck is going on with you. I'm going to hang up and hopefully when I see you again you'll have a better attitude.

Leo: good. I didn't even want to talk to you, so it's now a win win.

Me: god Leo! I absolutely hate you!

Leo: oh really? Cool, because I hate you too.

Leo hung up.

I dropped my phone onto my lap, staring down at it. It took me a moment to realize I'm crying but when I did I whipped away the tears so no one sees.

Hate You Too - Leonardo DiCaprioWhere stories live. Discover now