-Psychotic plan

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"What are you doing, this is a women's bathroom?!?"

"Shhh" he put his hand over my mouth so I'll stop talking.

I kept trying to speak, but I couldn't even hear my own words since they came out very muffled from how his hand covered my mouth.

At that moment, a flushing sound came from one of the stalls. We both froze, turning our heads towards the door that was slowly opening. An old lady, who was holding tightly onto her cane, came out. She was distracted at the moment, but when she realized we're here too, she looked at us weirdly.

"Good evening" her eyes squinted beneath her glasses as she stared at him. She looked around, worried for a moment that she's in the men's bathroom.

"Good evening" me and Leo mumbled, his hand still over my mouth this whole time.

The woman smiled weakly and shuffled over to the sink, the long dragging sound of her stick following.

We stood there awkwardly as the woman washed her hands, very slowly. I put my hands over Leo's and pushed his down gently. Once I did, I looked over my shoulder to see if the woman was done yet. Finally, the little tapping of her feet passed me and Leo. She shut the door, to now an empty bathroom, and left.

"What are you doing?" I burst out.

"Okay...don't freak out"

"If you say that, I'm going to freak out!" I yelled in worry, already thinking of the worst possible things that could happen right now.

"Just try to stay calm!" he yelled back, not in a scary or rude way.

"Now I can't stay calm! You're scaring the shit out of me Leo!"

"So keep your shit together!" we kept our voices loud, not sure why, but now that we did we couldn't stop.

"Tell me what's going on because I'm getting really stressed out!"

"Stop stressing!" at this point, I could tell Leo was just trying to stall from whatever he's going to tell me.


"I think Ethan's here!" he burst out, then covered his face with his hands.

"What?" my stomach dropped down to the floor and my legs got wobbly "you're joking...Leo, you're joking right?! If this is a prank I swear I'll push you off the balcony"

"It isn't" he put his hands back down and stared at me.

"How is here?" I stuttered, not being able to comprehend anything.

"I don't know Avi! He's crazy, he probably followed you here" Leo sighed.

"Please tell me you're joking" I begged.

Leo didn't answer.

Realizing this isn't all a lie from the look on his face, I gasped softly as tears filled my eyes. I didn't want to have to deal with this, I just want fucking Ethan out of my life already. He's like some tick that you can't get rid of, sucking the blood out of your body until you're weak.

"I want to go home" I choked on my tears as I talked.

"Okay, let's try to get you back to the hotel" Leo told me.

That wasn't the home I meant. I wanted to go back to LA and forgot this every happened, be in my warm cozy bed and watch the sunset from my window.

"What if he see us" I said hopelessly.

"He won't" Leo sounded confident, as if he had a plan.

"I just need to tell Gianna that I'm leaving, I'll get a taxi or something" I don't know why I'm telling him this, but I am.

Hate You Too - Leonardo DiCaprioWhere stories live. Discover now