-Yes, bring her

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I woke up, feeling weight on my body. I breathed out, struggling as I did. Soon enough, I realized someone is on top of me. I looked down, seeing a sleeping Leo right in front of me. My spine ached and I then realized we're on the floor.

"Leo?" I shook him a bit "how'd we get on the floor..." I said more to myself than to him.

He mumbled something that I couldn't understand, then started groaning as I tried to get out of his grip. I gave up, then laid back down on the floor.

"Did we fall off the couch?" I turned my head, feeling the soft carpet on my cheek.

"I don't know" his voice sounded sleepy and I could still barely understand him.

He rested the side of his face right over my collarbone, his arms wrapped around my middle. Our legs tangled up with each other as a blanket covered the both of us and I wondered how the hell we got in this position.

I lifted my head up and looked at the clock behind me.

6:50 am

"Shit!" I yelled, making Leo jump right out of his sleep "Leo we're gonna be late, we gotta be on set in ten minutes!" I pushed his shoulders, trying to get him off of me.

"What?" His eyes were still closed "too many words..." he started to sound drunk even though he for sure wasn't "where are we going?"

"Leo! You gotta get up!" I said, already stressed.

"Where's up?"

I eventually was able to push him away, making him lean back on the couch.

"Wake up!" I shook his body "don't make me poor water on you!"

He didn't answer, instead he brought his head down and kept sleeping.

"Leo!" I lifted his head up by putting my hand on his cheeks.

"Ugh fine!" He cupped his face with hands as he groaned, annoyed at me for waking him up.

We were quiet on the way, not a single sound at all, except for the nervous tapping of my foot.

"We're already so late, Jim is gonna kill us" I cried in stress.

"Relax, we'll be fine" Leo focused on the road and went as fast as he can.

"I still have to get my car" I bit my nails, not knowing how I'll get back there.

"I can take you there after filming" Leo suggested.

"Oh it's fine, I can figure something else out instead"

"I don't mind" he shrugged "it's close by to the set"

"Okay..." I gave in.


"What are you doing here?" I struggled to close the cap of my water bottle as I made my way towards Billy "I thought you weren't working today"

"Thought I'd check it out, and wow it smells like so much sweat in here" he wrinkled his nose as he watched the crowded room dance.

"Well we've been dancing since 6 am...don't worry you'll get used to it"

"I find that hard to believe"

I chuckled at his response. It was quite fun talking with Billy, considering that I'm supposed to act as if I hate him 99.9% of the time, we actually get along great.

"Your friend Gianna yesterday wouldn't stop talking about this boy she met" Billy randomly said.

"She always does that" I answered, completely unsurprised by his statement.

Hate You Too - Leonardo DiCaprioWhere stories live. Discover now