-Ringless finger

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I stared into the dark hotel room, feeling uneasy. I didn't feel like going to turn on the lights, so instead I laid my back against the wall and buried my face into my knees. I put my hands on the back of my head and tried to think, but not many thoughts came.

All of this made absolutely no sense, I've been trying to wrap my head around it the whole time driving back here, thinking of every possible explanation. But none of it added up, except that she lied. She lied about everything.

I lifted my head up and started biting my nails, I should probably stop but it's a force of habit.

It's weird, I never thought Avi would be the type of girl to cheat on her boyfriend, but then again...maybe she was using me? Many people have, but I usually can figure out who has those types of intentions and who doesn't.

Feeling hurt and betrayed, I covered my face with my hands, as tears slowly rolled down my cheek.


"And then there were two" Ethan grinned evilly.

"Get away from me" I snapped at him.

"Avi? Why so grim?" Ethan put his hand on my cheek.

I was still in complete shock and scared out of my mind, so I just stood there and tried to pretend this is all just a silly little nightmare.

He took my hand and then made a weird face, he then brought it up to his view.

"What's this?" He examined the ring on my finger.

I recoiled my hand away from him but he grabbed onto my wrist in frustration, making me wince. He slipped the ring off and stared at it.

"It's quite pretty" he raised his eyebrows, impressed "why don't I put it in my pocket, just for safe keeping" he smiled and then shoved it down his back pocket.

"That's mine!" I squealed in anger.

"Why don't we go on a little walk" Ethans jaw clenched.

Before I could answer, Ethan dug his nails into my wrist and pulled me out of the empty store.

I hopped for Leo to still be outside, but he was long gone. It sounds stupid, but I'm actually worried about what he must be thinking and feeling...even if I should be worrying more about myself. I could already tell he was so hurt from the last time I saw him, and it made me feel awful. All of this is complete bullshit, and all I wanna do is cry and hide away from all of it. But of course, at a time like this, I have to think and try to get away from Ethan, there's no time to feel bad for myself and wait for someone to fix it. I have to fix it.

Unfortunately, I didn't have the opportunity to "fix it" because with all his force, Ethan shoved me into his car.

In complete panic, I started banging on the glass door, yelling the words "help" "kidnapper" and "rapist", in hopes that someone around will hear me. No one did.

Ethan got in the car and started to drive to this parking space across the street where no one was.

When we got to the deserted parking lot, Ethan pulled me out of the car aggressively, almost making me fall on the floor. He smashed me against the car and gripped onto my shoulders so I can't run away.

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