-You're a good guy

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I took another sip of my water as I sat in bed in silence. Last night was a whole mess, I couldn't sleep and I cried ninety percent of it. I even thought about going down to Leo's room but decided against it. To make everything worse, we have to film today. Well technically not film but we're practicing the choreography for the dance scene. And the last thing I wanted to do today is dance.

We were supposed to drive up to this dance studio that was just 30 minutes away from the hotel.

Suddenly, I heard Leo knock on the door quietly "Avi? Are you awake?"

"Yeah," I said.

"Can you please open the door?"

I sighed and got up, slowly walking to the door as if I were a zombie.

When I opened it up I saw Leo, cheerful as ever. He was holding two cups of coffee and a bag. For some reason, he had the biggest smile on his face, unlike me who looks like I haven't slept in 30 years.

Leo was already dressed and his hair looked nicely brushed, very different from his usual messy morning hair. Then there was me, still in my sweat pants and my dad's old college shirt he gave me a few years ago.

"I got us breakfast" Leo's smile got bigger.

"Thank you" he handed me the coffee and then walked into my room.

"Please, come in" I mumbled sarcastically.

Leo put down the bag onto my coffee table and then walked over to the mini kitchen, pouring a glass of water. "You want some?" He asked.

"No thank you," I said "the fact that you act like this is your room still shocks me every time" I chuckled and sat down on my bed.

Ignoring my last sentence he said, "Today is gonna be great, you excited?"

I looked up at him, confused "how could I possibly be excited" he then started to walk up to the bed and sat next to me.

"Cause we're gonna dance"

I shrugged and took another sip of my coffee "I don't wanna dance..."

"Ah come on, don't worry it'll be fun! I'll even try to make it as funny as I can" he put his arm around my shoulders.

"I feel too numb to dance"

"Okay Avi, you leave me no choice. I didn't wanna do this but I guess I have to now" he stood up and took my hands.

Leo kept trying to pull me off the bed but I stayed still.

After a moment I finally gave in and he pulled me up.

"Okay, three..." Leo began to count.

"Wait what-"

"Two...one!" He yelled.

Before I knew it we were prancing around the room as if we were drunk, sometimes even bumping into things. At one moment Leo fell over the couch. which made us both laugh so hard it brought tears to our eyes. I pulled him back up and we kept dancing.

It felt good to be happy, the last time I could remember being this happy was when I and Leo were out getting dinner (before getting the DVDs) and he showed me his Robert De Niro impression.

When we both were too out of breath to keep dancing, we stopped. I put my hands on Leo's shoulders and then we both started laughing.

Wow, he's so beautiful when he laughs. I thought.

"What's for breakfast?" I chuckled

Hate You Too - Leonardo DiCaprioWhere stories live. Discover now