-Cares about me

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I jumped when I saw Leo come in. His face scared the hell out of me. He probably had ten times the amount of makeup that I had on.

Hats off to whoever did his makeup because they did a good job making him look dead.

"You look...very dead," I smiled weakly.

"I know right, it's so cool," Leo went behind me and looked at the mirror, as surprised as I was.

"Uhm, Leo?" I spoke meekly, "you wanna go out for dinner after filming?"

Leo immediately turned his view from the mirror to me. As if he were trying to figure out what I meant by that.

I noticed, so I added, "I already asked Danny and Jason if they want to come, they said yes. So we can all have a fun hangout dinner thing..."

I hated how awkward I was, it was only a simple question. But It was still weird. Me making plans to be with people. I never did those types of things.

The only way I used to interact with others is if they dragged me out of my house with them. But now I wanted to get to know the people I'd be working with for the next six months.

I've gotten to know most of them. But not Danny and Jason. Leo already knew them well. Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if Leo knew every single extra.

"Sure, I'll join you guys."


I released my hand from his frozen one and whispered, "I'll never let go," I kissed his hand one last time, "I promise."

Leo then sank to the bottom of the four-foot pool.

When Jim yelled cut Leo rushed up for air.

"Okay, that was perfect! Leo and Avi, you're done for today. But extras I still need you here," Jim yelled so everyone could hear. I slowly got off the door and walked out of the pool.

Jolie took of my makeup once I arrived at the trailer. When she left, I put on my jeans and sweatshirt. Decided to wear a bra underneath because I was too lazy to put on my shirt.

When I walked out of my trailer I saw Leo on the steps in front of the door. He was about to light a cigarette but when he saw me he put it away.

"There you are, come on," He waved his hand motioning to follow him.

He had jeans on, attached to those jeans were one of those chain things. He also had a dark blue shirt on that was kinda wrinkled.

As I followed him to the parking lot I asked, "where are we going?"

"What makes you think I know?"


"Stop asking so many questions you're becoming annoying."

I put my hand on my chest in a dramatic way "how dare you!" Then I pointed at him, "and for your information, I asked one question so ha!"

He rolled his eyes and started driving.


Hate You Too - Leonardo DiCaprioWhere stories live. Discover now