-I'm all about revenge

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"I don't have much time, so can we please make this quick," I told her, sitting down at the table.

I had nothing to do after this, except for an interview, but that's in a long time.

The cafe was only five minutes away by walk, yet I still managed to be late. But if I'm being honest, I just didn't want to come here. So I took my time.

"It's won't be long, I promise," she said, sitting across from me "first, I wanted to apologize for what I said to you-"

"And Leo" I added.

"And Leo..." she didn't seem too thrilled to include him in the apology "I also want to say, that I'll be breaking it off with Ethan. You're much more important than him"

"Okay," I nodded.

"That's all you have to say?"


"Are we good now?" She asked.

"Right after you apologize to Leo for slapping him, then we'll be good"

"Are you serious?" She looked annoyed.

"Yes, I am," I said "what the hell is your problem with him? He's never done anything to you"

"Yes, he has!" She argued.

"What could he have possibly done, Gianna!"

"Goddamnit Avi! Why is it always Leo, Leo, Leo! You can't shut up about him. It sucks how I can't have a conversation with you without you having to bring him up! You're always talking with him, making plans with him, doing everything with him"

"You're jealous," I said quietly, staring at her deeply as I started to understand everything.

"What? No!" She defended herself.

"You are" I was fully convinced "now that whole thing about you saying he's gatekeeping makes sense. And how you said in the call that he's probably sick of me. You wanna drive us apart"

Just like Ethan. Except Ethan is a psychopath.

"I'm not, Avi" deciding she had enough, she stood up, took her bag, and left the cafe.

I took a deep breath and let it out. Playing around with the sugar packet as I sat at a two-seat table, alone.

That wasn't much of a comfortable talk.

People kept looking at me, giving me glances. But I can't tell if it's because they know who I am, or if it's because of how Gianna just stormed away from me.

The waitress came up to me "hi, here are our menus" she placed them down on the table nervously. After she did, she still didn't leave.

I glanced up at her only to realize she wouldn't stop staring at me.

"Is there anything I could help you with?" It was weird to ask that to a waitress, but I didn't know what else to say.

She seemed a bit awkward "this is very unprofessional, but is it possible if I could get your autograph?"

"My autograph?"

"Yeah" she smiled "I just saw Titanic and I loved it"

"Really? I'm glad you do. Do you have anything I could sign?" I asked her, she seemed content with my response.

"I do" she took a notepad from her apron and gave me a pen.

I laid it down on the table, it took me quite a while to write it.

"Did you love it because of Leo?" I laughed softly as I handed the notepad back to her.

"Leo? Well, he's cute but I loved it because of you" she explained, putting the notepad back in the pocket of her apron.

Hate You Too - Leonardo DiCaprioWhere stories live. Discover now