-There's nothing stopping you

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Leo gave me a worried glance but I refused to look him in the eye, staring down at my cup of lemonade which seemed to have no end.

"Wanna tell me what that whole speech was about-"

"No" I interrupted him, wanting to pretend that the thing with my parents never occurred "nothing happened, forget about it"

He shut his mouth, tapping his fingers on the table which was cleaned lazily, a few crumbs and drops of sauce here and there.

The fast-food place was empty, silence had never been so loud. Not even the workers who had to go through a painful night shift made noise. Mostly because they kept staring at us secretively, not sure if they're just seeing things or if it's the two Titanic stars.

In the middle of our table sat a full box of fries, neither of us bothered to touch it. So it stayed there, soggy and cold.

"Why were you on that ledge?" Leo burst out, asking something he'd wanted the answer to for so long.

"Leo" My head weighed down on my hands, exhaustion had taken over "stop it, please"

As minutes passed, each blink would become longer, craving for the satisfaction of being in bed. It felt like 4:00 am but the clock read midnight.

Leo laid back in defeat, keeping his gaze up at the white ceiling.

I had a feeling he won't let me go until I tell him everything, which means we're gonna be here for quite a while. I understand why, he's worried and won't be at peace until he knows.

I envied each person who passed by in their car, driving back home to rest. Unfortunately, Leo had my keys so I have no control over this situation.

"I'm not gonna say anything...I don't-" the rest of the sentence was taken right out of my mouth.

"Why not?" He crossed his arms, bitting on the inside of his cheek as his eyes stared directly at me. 


"Don't say because" he muttered, irritated by my answer "it's annoying"

"I'll say whatever I want, Leo" I moved my thumb up and down the cup "if I don't wanna say anything, dea-"

We both jumped at the sound of hitting on the glass window next to us, interrupting the silence which had spread throughout the room.

Paparazzi with their flashing cameras yelled as if they already haven't gotten our attention.

We covered our faces, leaving the table. It wasn't like we were gonna stay longer anyways. Leo's hand was on my back as we prepared to go outside.

"I'm driving" I snatched my keys from his jacket's pocket, rougher than I intended.

Leo grabbed onto my arm before I could exit, turning me back to him.

"I get that you're tired, I am too. But I'm leaving in a matter of days and if this doesn't get resolved before that, then it'll be much more difficult and stressful to go" he spoke in a fearful whisper "Can't you just cooperate a bit? I can't help if I don't know what's going on"

Hate You Too - Leonardo DiCaprioWhere stories live. Discover now