-Please dont go

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I jumped in shock, my heart raced as I looked around the dark room. This definitely isn't my room...panic spread through my veins as I gripped onto the heavy blanket.

I had a nightmare, don't remember what it was, but it sure as hell scared the shit out of me.

A million questions popped into my head as my eyes stared into a room, which seemed familiar but was definitely not mine.

The clock on the nightstand read "5:17", it's only been an hour since everything...I groaned, wishing I could've slept longer if it weren't for this nightmare. At least it's Saturday so we don't have to film today.

I felt a body next to me, shuffling in its sleep. I looked down and saw Leo, and now it all made sense.

"What's going on?" Leo mumbled, rubbing his eyes with his thumb and pointer finger.

"Why am I here?" I asked, ignoring his question.

Leo sat up next to me "Gianna didn't answer the door and I didn't know where your keys-"

Before Leo could finish, I rushed out the bed "I don't want to be here" I said under my breath "Why would you possibly think that I'd want to be here"

"I didn't know what else to do" Leo said quietly as he looked up at me.

"You could've woken me up" I answered in a rude tone, already cranky from only an hour of sleep

"Can we please not fight. It never leads to anything good"

I stared at him, getting glassy eyed as I did. He looked so...sad and tired. Leo was still wearing his clothes, which where now all wrinkled. His hair messy, eyes red from lack of sleep, and pale from exhaustion.

"Where's my bag?" my voice cracked as I wipped a tear off my cheek.

Damn. I cry a lot.

Leo looked me deep in the eyes and sighed, pointing to the coffee table in front of the couch.

I went over to where he directed me and put my bag on my shoulders.

"Please don't go" Leo burst out as I headed towards the door "please" he added.

Not even taking a second to think about it, I rushed to the door and slammed it shut behind me.


"Oh! Look at this Avi! It's so pretty" Gianna admired the dress on the rack, moving her fingers through the silky fabric.

"Yeah" I answered dryly, staring into space.

"Is something wrong?" Gianna frowned.

I inhaled deeply, loosing focus "nope" I lied.

"Okay..." Gianna said, a bit suspicious "well what about we get you some clothes"

"I don't feel like it" I kept staring at a specific shirt, not making eye contact with Gianna this whole time.

"Somethings definitely wrong" she crossed her arms.

"Can I tell you about it later?" I finally looked up to face her.

"Sure" she smiled kindly and then grabbed a dress from the rack, Gianna put it against my body. "You'd look so beautiful in this!!" She squealed "go try it on!"

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