welcome to the gayest chat

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seaweedbrain made a group-chat

seaweedbrain added  beautyqueen, RARA, mcshizzle, deathboi, sunshine, wisegurl, punk-lesbian, art_mom, cinnamonroll, agoldfish, and  superman to the group-chat

seaweedbrain changed group-chat's name to demi-gays

seaweedbrain: hello gays. welcome to the group-chat

beautyqueen: why did u make a gc??? we already have one

seaweedbrain: bc that one is inactive. plus there were some people who weren't in that chat

sunshine: but why am i here? i only know nico

seaweedbrain: bc ur one of us

wisegurl: *you're

seaweedbrain: sssssshhhhhh

seaweedbrain: anygay, everyone introduce yourselves, name, pronouns, sexuality, and a fun fact!

seaweedbrain: me first! im percy, he/him, bi, im dating jason and i like blue food😎

cinnamonroll:  Blue food?

seaweedbrain: dont judge

cinnamonroll: Okay. Anyway, I'm Hazel. I use she/her pronouns. I'm pansexual and I like horses!

mcshizzle: yee yee

seaweedbrain: pls stop using correct grammar

cinnamonroll: NEVER  >:3

art_mom: dont bully hazel! 

art_mom: anygay, im rachel, she/they, ace lesbian, and im everyone's mom. no you cant back out of it

superman: im jason, he/him, bisexy, and im dating percy

mcshizzle: im leo, everyone's favorite trans boi, he/him ofc, bisexy, and i can quote the entire bee movie

sunshine: wow impressive

deathboi: dont encourage him

mcshizzle: this would be the part where i put the bee movie script, but ill save that for later 😈

deathboi: oh gods

deathboi: im nico, he/him, im pretty gay. i love will so much

sunshine: aww baby 🥺💕

sunshine: im will, he/him, bisexual, and nico is my baby

deathboi: im not  baby

sunshine: yes u r


beautyqueen: sort this out privately. y'all are making the single ppl feel bad

beautyqueen: im piper, u can call me pipes, lesbiaaan, she/her,  esmeralda made me gay

punk-lesbian: im thaila, as u can see im a lesbian, she/her, and im pretty cool

RARA: im reyna, she/her, bisexual, and i beat jason at an arm wrestling competition

superman: why do u keep bringing that up?!

RARA: bc you cried afterwards 

superman: i did not! will dont listen to her!


wisegurl: will, trust me, i was there. he cried

sunshine: okay

wisegurl: so im annabeth, she/her, bisexual, and i will murder u if u call me annie

sunshine: noted

agoldfish: and last but not least, im frank, he/him, pansexual, and im dating hazel

seaweedbrain: welcome to the gayest chat in history

sunshine: eh could be gayer


sunshine: yea

seaweedbrain: oh i love you

deathboi: back off he's mine


deathboi: sureeee

seaweedbrain: nooo! i have a bf

deathboi: yea ok

seaweedbrain: 😭😭😭

(a/n: so this is my new story. it probably won't have a storyline. IDK, i havent figure that part out yet)

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