rachel and will embrasses nico

754 21 18

(i couldn't find a good picture for this chapter so enjoy this meme)

slight nsfw

(back in the main gc)

art_mom: im so fucking tired

mcspammy: that tough. why?

art_mom: oh idk, someone is apparently a screamer when they have sex

beautyqueen: lmao

wisegurl: arent you living with nico and will?

mcspammy: omg wait. who's the screamer????

deathboi: why are we talking about me and will's sex life???

sunshine: its nico

art_mom: nico

deathboi: HJHVBGHNMKI NO!!!!!

deathboi: SHUT UP

beautyqueen: aw it's ok nico. no need to get embarrassed

mcspammy: lmao have yall ever gotten a noise complaint?

sunshine: surprisingly no

mcspammy: wow

mcspammy: my neighbor would be pounding on my door

art_mom: just like will pounding nico's ass-

sunshine: HAHSHS LMAO

deathboi: guyssss stoooopppp

mcspammy: wow

mcspammy: nico likes it rough

deathboi: SHUT. UP.

wisegurl: hkjjhjhgg im literally dying

RARA: what the hell did i just read????

punk-lesbian: lmao. dw nico, youre not the only one 😏

RARA: who r u referring to?

punk-lesbian: annabeth

wisegurl: 😳 omg dont expose me

mcspammy: damn everyone's kinky

mcspammy: well i shouldnt say everyone

art_mom: yeah

mcspammy: also

mcspammy changed their name to mcshizzle

mcshizzle: much better


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