frank and piper have a talk

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beautyqueen: hey frank

agoldfish: hey piper

beautyqueen: do you have a crush on anyone???

agoldfish: um...why?

beautyqueen: no reason. answer the question

agoldfish: ok maybe

beautyqueen: on who??

agoldfish: um

agoldfish: leo

beautyqueen: omg really??

agoldfish: yeah 😓

beautyqueen: leonidas valdez

agoldfish: yep

beautyqueen: wow. i would never have thought that you would have a crush on him

agoldfish: well for awhile, i always thought i was just jealous of him. but now i realized that i have a crush on him

beautyqueen: oh wow

beautyqueen: have you ever thought about telling him

agoldfish: no...

beautyqueen: hm 🤔

beautyqueen: i gotta go. bye frank

agoldfish: uh bye?

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