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From october 7th-26, Israel has killed 7,028 Palestinians. 2,913 were children. 1,709 were women. 307 were elderly. This was all under the guise of "self-defense". Mind you, Israel has bombed a hospital and a church. Why would you need to bomb those places if it was out of self-defense? They have also gave an evacuation route for those in Gaza and then bombed that route, WHILE people were leaving. This is genocide. This is ethnic cleansing. Israel has lied about the evidence they posted, Israelis have mocked Palestinians for going through a genocide. Palestine has no access to water, food, electricity or fuel. And now they have no access to the internet to spread what is happening. IDF has killed many journalists that are reporting on this.

This is not a conflict. This is not a war. This is genocide.

This is 70+ years of genocide btw
good book to read is The Hundred Years' War on Palestine: A History of Settler Colonialism and Resistance, 1917–2017
Book by Rashid Khalidi

Palestine has no military, no aid. Nothing.

While Ukraine literally got a lot of aid from the US when Russia attacked them. Where is that aid for Palestine? Why is it that when Ukraine fights back it's celebrated, but when Palestine does it ends with them being absolutely defenseless.

"Hamas beheaded babies"
The reporter that stated that has retracted that statement. The Israel government has retracted that statement. JOE BIDEN himself confirms that he's never seen any evidence of it happening. But you can find countless videos of Palestinian children being pulled out of rubble. Videos of children's bodies in bags.
@/eye.on.palestine on instagram has documented everything that has happened in Palestine if you want to see it yourself.
@/sitcomabed on twitter has been spreading information on this

"Hamas has hostages!!"
You mean the hostages that they tried to release back to Israel but the government refused to take them? Those same hostages that they released anyway? The ones that said that Hamas treated very humanely. Oh and how can I forget, ISRAEL HAS 10,000 PALESTINIANS HOSTAGES. Don't you think it's weird how the Israeli government refused to take back the hostages? Wonder why.

"Palestine doesn't like gay people"
Firstly, there is an active genocide happening and that's the first thing you think of?? Also, a country that has been consistently bombed has no time to stop and go "hmm, what do we think of gay marriage?" Palestine has no chance to progress due to the fact that it's currently being colonized.
Before I begin this next point, I need to define a word.

Pinkwashing: is the strategy of promoting LGBT rights protections as evidence of liberalism and democracy, especially to distract from or legitimize violence against other countries or communities.
Disclaimer: This all from the instagram account @/letstalkpalestine. My wattpad isn't letting me add these post so I'm typing all of this out

To distract critics from its apartheid regime,
Israel tries to portray itself as a progressive, gay hub. Activists call this Pinkwashing
In 2005, Israel launched 'Brand Israel', a $26mil campaign to rebrand itself to Western audiences as "modern & relevant" with its "gay-friendliness."
In 2016, Israel spent $3 million to fly tourists in on a rainbow 'Pride Plane.' The campaign used the gay community as a "public relations tool."

There are 3 problems with Israel's pinkwashing.
1. Supremacist Narrative
The portrayal of Israelis as gay-friendly is accompanied by the portrayal of Palestinians as inherently regressive & barbaric.
This isn't new. Colonial powers like France and Britain historically portrayed themselves as
"superior" & "advanced", compared to the
"regressive" & "savage" natives they exploited.
This narrative is used to justify colonization.
They portray their violent oppression as purification which civilizes the "savage" natives.

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