Never fall in love again until I found (him) her

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(art by soia_jpg on twt)

Private conversation between beautyqueen and mcshizzle

beautyqueen: hey we're renting out mr.d's club

mcshizzle: cool. why?

beautyqueen: why not

mcshizzle: fair

beautyqueen: also maybe get you to confess to frank 🫣🫣

mcshizzle: what??

beautyqueen: um well will and i thought of a plan that gets u to confess to frank? i thought telling you was a better idea..

mcshizzle: i dont think i want all my friends watch me confess my feelings to someone who probably doesnt like me back

beautyqueen: you're not exactly telling him

beautyqueen: you're singing

mcshizzle: what???

beautyqueen: well, i did some digging and saw that the both of you like the song until i found you and maybe you could sing it?

mcshizzle: why would i do that?

beautyqueen: because it's not exactly confessing. if afterwards you want to actually want to confess, you can. but if you dont, then you just sang a song that he also liked

mcshizzle: i hate that you make sense mclean

beautyqueen: usually do 🤭

mcshizzle: okay, you know what? i'm going to do this

beautyqueen: yay 🤩


Leo sighs as he makes his way to Grape Vine. Was he really going to do this? I guess he was. He walks into the club, spotting Annabeth with Hazel who was sitting to a girl with pink hair. He decides to walk up to the group.

Annabeth was wearing a white shirt with a green plaid overall dress and a black sweater draped over her shoulder (it usually was cold in the club). Hazel was wearing a purple sweater with a black skirt. The pink hair girl was plain white t-shirt and brown pants. She also was wearing a Star of David necklace.

Hazel was the first one to notice Leo. "LEO!! We're so glad you came!!" She said, hugging them. "Oh, this is Lavinia." She gestures over to the pink hair. 

"Hi." She said.

"Hey," Leo said back. "uh where's Piper?"

"Oh, she's getting drinks." Annabeth responded. "Come and sit down." She patted the seat next to her, which Leo begrudgingly did. He kind of wanted to look for Piper.

"So, I heard you were going to sing tonight?" Lavinia said, smirking slightly.

"Oh uh yeah, I am." He blushed.

"That's cool. Are you a good singer?"

"Uh, I guess so?"

"VALDEZ!" He heard someone yell behind him. He turn to see Percy and Jason, holding hands. Percy, who was the one that yelled, had a massive grin on his face. 

"JACKSON!" Leo yelled back, with a grin that mirror his.

"How are you feeling about tonight?"


"Nervous? Why are you nervous?" Drew Tanaka said, suddenly appearing beside Jason.

"Drew? Why are you here?"

"Will said there was free alcohol. So, why are you nervous?"

"Oh, I'm going to sing..."

"Ah. Good luck, now I'm going to get shitface. And maybe annoy Piper." She wandered off to the bar.

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