sad will

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credit to the artist who made this. i couldn't find the artist name, since i found it on pinterest. (i dont even know if it's actually solangelo, but i'm still using it)

also, sorry for another solangelo part, that isn't shitpost-y. i'm currently reading the tower of nero, so yeah. (dw i wont spoil anything.)

TW// discussions abt mental health, discussions abt panic attacks, discussions abt self-harm, and discussions suicidal thoughts 

you don't have to read this chapter if you're triggered by any of this. this chapter isn't important. (i will reference it in a few times, but dw i'll give context for it)

Nico's pov

Nico was really worried about Will. Especially after what he said yesterday.

sunshine: why did u try summoning me? im not important

Nico asked Will about it. He walks into the living room, where Will was sitting on the couch, typing away on his laptop with John Mulaney: comeback kid playing in the background. 

Nico walks in front off the coffee table, "Hey Will?" 


"Can I ask you something?"

"Sure." Will looks up from his laptop.

"U-um," Nico takes a breath. "yesterday, you said in the group-chat, that you weren't important. What did you mean by that?"

Nico notice that Will started fidgeting with his bracelets.

"Oh um, I just meant it as that I'm not close with anyone but you and Rachel."

Nico nods, "Oh ok."

He was lying. Nico knew he was lying. Will's a really bad liar. But Nico knew Will wouldn't tell him. Nico sits down with Will, laying his head on Will's shoulder.

"What are you working on?"


Nico nods. He didn't ask Will anymore questions, just enjoying his boyfriend's presence.


~Next day~

Will's pov

Will always feels guilty when he lies to Nico. Will fully knows that Nico knew he was lying. 

And it makes him feel like shit.

What is Will hiding? You might ask.

His mental health. 

It makes him feel so weak. He feels so useless.

And it gotten worse during quarantine. So Will got a therapist. Which he hides that from Nico. He doesn't want him to think that he is weak or useless.

But how doesn't Nico know about it? They live together.

Easy. Will goes to his half-brother Austin's apartment.


Will was in guest bedroom, sitting on the bed, laptop in front of him with earbuds in them.

He was currently in a meeting with his therapist.

"Hello Will," Chiron said. "How have you been?"

"I've been doing...pretty b-bad." Will said, his voice breaking slightly.

"Why is that?"

"I don't know. School has been stressing me out. I barely see Nico because of me studying and doing school stuff. And just yesterday, I lied to him! I can't believe I did that..."

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