Solangelo's movie night + Nico's gender crisis

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This past week had been absolutely terrible for Nico. First, he was fired from his job. Then he caught a fever. Now the air conditioning broken in their apartment, so now it was a thousand degrees inside.

Thank gods for Leo Valdez.

"Alright, there you go. The A/C is fixed!" Leo said, walking into the living room where Nico sat with the cat.

"Thanks." He muttered.

"No problem, man."

Nico cringes at the word man. Oh yeah, Nico's been having a gender crisis.

"Hey, are you okay?" Leo asked, sitting next to Nico.

"Yeah. Just been having a rough week."

"I'm aware of that fact. Why did you cringe at the word man?"

"I've been going through a gender crisis. You know the usual."

"So you don't want to be to be a man?"

"That's correct."

"Do you want to be a woman?"


"So, you're nonbinary?" 

Nico nods. "I've been looking into gender identities and that one just feels right, you know?"

"Yeah. What pronouns are we using?"

"Um they and them."

"Coolio. Are you going to tell the others?"


"You know, they'll accept you."

"Yeah I know...It's not them I'm worried about."

"Is it Will?"

"Is what Will?" Speak of devil, Will Solace walks in.

Nico glares at Leo while mouth 'gods no! It's my dad.'

"What are y'all talking about?"

"Oh um..." Leo panics, "A surprise for someone!!"


"Oh oops. Right yeah, spoiled the surprise."

"And that surprise is for me?"

"Yep. Yeah anyway, I got go before  I ruin the surprise. If you have any problem your a/c, CALL ME!" Leo said, while walking out the door. Will sat down next to Nico, wrapping his arm around them, kissing them on the top of their head.

"Why are you giving me a surprise, sunshine?"

"U-um well you've been so supportive of me, especially this past week, so I wanted to do something nice for you."

"Aw baby. You know you don't have to do that."

Nico looks down, blushing slightly. "A-actually, there is no surprise. I'm sorry. Leo lied because he didn't want to um...out me." Nico hid their face in their hands.

Will nods, hugging Nico. "Do you want to watch a movie?"

Nico nods.


During the movie, Nico couldn't focus. Will was so amazing and sweet. Maybe they will do a little surprise for him. 

"Hey Will?" Nico said.

"Hm?" Will hummed.

"I need to tell you something kind of important."

Will sits up and paused the movie. "What's up?"

"I've been having this little gender crisis for the past few month and I've concluded that I'm nonbinary. And I want to use they/them pronouns."

Will kissed Nico's forehead. "Okay, love. Is there anything else?"

"I'm hungry."

"I'll order some takeout." Will pulled his phone out of his pocket. 

Nico smiled, "Thank you."

"For what?"

"For just being amazing. You made this week at least somewhat tolerable."

"I'm glad that I brighten up your week."

Nico rolled their eyes, pulling Will into a kiss. "I love you."

"I love you too." He unpaused the movie a pulled Nico close to him. "Our food will be here in 30 minutes."


"I know. I know."


A/n: nonbinary nico 💪😼

also i really like making these tweets so if you want more of them please let me know 💞

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