Annabeth rejoins the group-chat

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art by: soia_jpg

beautyqueen: alright bitches, i got some news

mcshizzle: what?

beautyqueen: firstly

beautyqueen adds wisegurl to demi-gay

beautyqueen: secondly, me and annabeth are dating!

superman: omg really???

wisegurl: yep

seaweedbrain: holy shit congrats

beautyqueen: thanks

deathboi: so who confessed to who???

beautyqueen: i confessed

deathboi: nice. you got over your fear of asking her out

beautyqueen: yeah

cinnamonroll: Wait, Nico you knew about Piper's crush?

deathboi: and annabeth's

wisegurl: wait i never told you about my crush

deathboi: will told me

wisegurl: OH that makes sense. you two tell each other everything

deathboi: yeah...


wisegurl: what?

beautyqueen: pipabeth?

mcshizzle: yalls ship name

beautyqueen: oh...

beautyqueen: did u come up with it?

mcshizzle: nah

mcshizzle: will did

superman: speaking of will, where is he?

deathboi: uh im not sure. he wasnt here when i woke up and he hasnt been answering my texts or calls

seaweedbrain: did smth happen between yall

deathboi: no

seaweedbrain: hmm weird

deathboi: ig. will's probably busy and just turn his phone off so he wouldn't be distracted

mcshizzle: how would he be distracted 🤨

art_mom: bc you usually spam the chat

mcshizzle: that-

mcshizzle: that's true


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