the Christmas Special

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mcshizzle: 'Twas the night before Christmas, and the demi-gays group-chat decided to spend Christmas together. They all were staying at Solangelo + Rachel's apartment, since it was the biggest (thanks to Hades).

Annabeth and Piper were over at the Christmas tree. Piper was rocking reindeers antlers that had bells on them and an Isabelle Christmas sweater. It didn't really go together, but she somehow pulled it off. Annabeth was wearing matching antlers. Her sleeves of her My Neighbor Totoro rain scene, holding the ornaments that the cat had knock off.

wisegurl: Yeah sure, blame the cat and not the person taking the candy canes off the tree

mcshizzle: *candy cane in mouth* what?

wisegurl: whatever

mcshizzle: Where was I? Oh right! *ahem*

Reyna and Thalia were putting the stockings back where they were (we just finished putting the candy and little trinkets inside them). Thalia had antlers on their head, which they were forced into wearing by Hazel, and Reyna had a Santa hat on. Reyna was wearing a Wonder Women Christmas sweater. She always somehow finds a new Wonder Women sweater for Christmas. Thalia had a Grinch sweater.

Percy was bugging Nico and Will (who were making cookies) while Jason was talking to Hazel over at the table. Hazel was wearing a sweater with foxes on it. The center fox had a Santa hat on. Jason was wearing a red sweater that said 'Merry Christmas ya filthy animal'.

"Grace, get your fucking boyfriend out of here!" Nico yelled from the kitchen.

Jason immediately stood up grabbing Percy and pulling him away. "C'mon Perce, leave the stressed out couple alone."

Percy pouts, but walks with his boyfriend. They sit down across from Hazel, Percy's leg in Jason's lap, while Jason had his arms wrapped around him. Percy had a "'Tis the season to be spongy.'" with Spongebob in the center of the sweater.

Back to the stressed out couple. They were whispering very aggressively, obvious from Nico frantic hand motions. Nico and Will had an busy two days ahead of them. Tomorrow after we open presents, Hazel, Frank and them are going to Hades for Christmas dinner, then the next day Will and Nico are going to Texas to spend that week with Will's family, who may or may not be homophobic (not Will's mom, she's a literal saint and a milf.)

But anyway, Their sweaters!!! Nico had a 'don we now our gay apparel' and it's gay. Will had a Nintendo Christmas sweater, with all the Nintendo characters on it.

Nico quickly rushes out of the kitchen into the bedroom. Will set the timer for the cookies and follow Nico.

Anyway, ignoring them, me and Frank were sitting on the couch, watching Will's sibling and Rachel play Mario kart. Frank had a t-rex that had a sweater on it. I had 'Hope your bacon burns' sweater. Hazel had bought it for me, which I absolutely adore.

Kayla was in first place, which annoyed Austin. She was wearing a Bob Ross Christmas sweater. Austin and Rachel were in 11th and 12th place. Rachel kept going off the cliffs. Austin kept getting shy guyed and/or blue shelled.

"I feel like Mario Kart got harder." Rachel said, going falling off another cliff.

"Yeah." Austin agreed. He had an Kacey Musgraves 'I didn't say fucking yee' sweater.

"You are only saying that because you're losing." Kayla said, grinning finishing they're third lap. Austin eventually finish his. Rachel slips on a banana peel.


"Let's watch a Christmas movie!" Will said, suddenly appearing behind the couch.

"Sounds like a great idea!" Hazel clasp her hands together.

Everyone gathered onto the couch. Kayla and Austin sitting on the floor. Rachel threw herself onto one of the arm chairs. Jason and Percy sat on the other. Percy being on Jason's lap. There was some clanging in the kitchen, Will quickly getting up to check what's going on. Nico comes out and plops onto the couch, exhausted. Will follows after, sitting down next to him. Nico curls himself into Will.

"So, what Christmas movie are we going to watch?" I asked, flipping through the Christmas movies Disney had.

"Home alone?" Piper suggested. The room filled with agreements.

I clicked on the movie and pulled my legs to my chest.


About halfway through the movie, Nico and Will had fallen asleep. Will's head laying on top of Nico's . Nico drooling on his boyfriends sweater. Piper was trying not to fall asleep on her girlfriend. Annabeth stroking her hair. Rachel was on her phone, smiling wide. Hazel and frank were whispering about something and then they started laughing quietly. Percy had fallen asleep on Jason. Jason rubbing his backing, while he watches the movie. Kayla had the cat in their lap, the cat purring softly. Austin tries to pet him, but Kayla slaps his hand away. I focus back on the movie. Harry head was being blowtorched. I felt my eyes get heavy. Eventually I fell asleep on Piper.


I felt something poke my face. I swatted whatever it was.

poke poke poke

"Ugh, what?" I said, rubbing my eyes.

"The movie is over." Hazel said. I sat up, yawning. I notice everyone else went into the guests rooms.

"Oh. I should go to bed, huh?"

"Yeah, of course. Santa won't come if we're all awake."

"Aren't we a little too old to believe in Santa?"

"I'm just messing around. We should go to bed though. Big day ahead of us."

"Yeah." I stand up and started going to my room, Hazel behind me. "Goodnight Haze."

"Goodnight Leo. Merry Christmas."

"Merry Christmas."


a/n: hey guy, long time no see. Sorry for being gone for a bit. I was experiencing a bit of an burnt out. This chapter was going to be longer but I'm out with family and we're going to be busy all week. so yeah.

i can't promise how often i can post, but i'll try.

anyway, here's all the sweater that they all wore:

anyway, here's all the sweater that they all wore:

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