Oh, yeah, your face is out of place and I can't make you out

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Art by: pmpkn_soup_pt2 on instagram

*Annabeth's pov*

Today was the worst day of Annabeth's life.

It started out so nice. It was Hazel, Piper and Annabeth's monthly girls day, something they started in high school.

There was this cute little coffee shop that Hazel enjoys, so the other two were very excited to try it out.

While, Hazel and Piper were in the bathroom, Annabeth was order their drinks. That's when it happened.


Her heart stopped. She slowly turned to see the last person she ever wanted to see.

His dark hair came over his face, hiding half of his scar. His grin ran a chill down Annabeth's spine.

"Annabeth, I can't believe it's you. I haven't seen you in forever."

The last time you told me that I was unlovable, Annabeth thought.

"Yeah...It's great." She forced herself to smile.

Luke went in for a hug, causing her to flinch.

"Oh come on, Annie. Are you still scared of me?"

"...No, of course not." She mumbled. Luke smiled and hugged her. Her shoulders were tensed, she has to be careful not to set him off. He pulls away and smirked

"So, Annie, you seeing anyone?"

"Oh, um-"

"Hey, can you leave her alone?" Piper said with Hazel trailing behind her. "She clearly doesn't want to talk to you, so leave her alone."

He sneered, "Who the fuck are you?"

"Piper Mclean, Annabeth's girlfriend. Now leave."

"Girlfriend?" He turns to Annabeth. "Since when are you a lesbian?" He said the last word, with disgust.

"I'm bi, actually." She mumbled, tears forming in her eyes.

"'I'm bi, actually.' Do you hear yourself?" He laughs. "You just want attention. God you haven't changed, have you?"

Annabeth lips quivered.

"Just fuck off dude!" Hazel said, pulling out her phone. "I'll call Percy. He'll kick your ass."

Luke got all close and personal to Hazel. "What the hell is that freak going to do?"

"Luke, please leave them alone." Annabeth said, desperately. "What do you want?"

 "I just want to catch up." He reaches to touch her, but Piper grabbed his wrist.

"We're busy having a girls day, so if you excuse us." Piper pulled Annabeth outside of the coffee shop. "I'm so sorry."

"Don't be," Annabeth said, her voice breaks. "I'm just gonna go. you two have fun."

"Do you want me to take you back to our apartment?"

"No, I'm fine. See you later." 

Piper went in to hug her, but Annabeth flinch back. Piper backed off and waved her goodbye.


                  private conversation with percypie and annie the musical

annie the musical: hey, are you busy?

percypie: no

percypie: why?

annie the musical: can i come over? i need to talk to you

percypie: yeah ofc. is everything ok?

annie the musical:  no

annie the musical: make sure jason isn't there

percypie: he's about to go to work

percypie: do i need to pick you up?

annie the musical: no


*Percy's pov*

After Annabeth's message, Percy was rushing Jason out of the apartment.

"Is there a particular reason that you're rushing me?" Jason asked, tying his apron.

"It is none of your business." Percy said crossing his arms.

He rolled his eyes. "Okay."

"What time are you getting off?"



Jason stared.

"Kidding. See you later." He kisses Jason and locks the door behind  him.

He sits on the couch anxiously waiting for Annabeth.


About an hour later, Annabeth showed up, mascara running down her face. Percy immediately wrapped his arms around her, holding her tightly.

"Annabeth, are you okay?" He asked. "What happened?"

"Luke." Was all he needed to hear.

"What did he do? I will hunt him down and-"

"You don't need to do that."

He sighed. "Fine. But what did he do?"

Annabeth told him everything. She even told him about the last time she saw him.

"Unlovable? Haven't changed?" He clenched his fist. "Oh, when I get my hands on him-"


"Fine, fine." He wraps his arms around Annabeth. 

Her phone went off.

"Who texted you?"

She fished out her phone and pulled it out.

"Oh, you got to be kidding." She sighed.

Annabeth leaned back, putting her hands on her face. "One bad thing after another."

"What's going on?"

She showed Percy the messages.


Luke_Castellan: hey we need to talk


my love 🫶🏾🫶🏾: hey um your dad's here. so call me when you can

"Oh my gods..." He said.


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