I love you for a thousand years

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Piper Mclean is the most beautiful person in the world. Annabeth is so lucky to have her in her life.

They were in bed, Piper was peacefully sleeping away. Annabeth always woke up before her. Despite her best efforts, she wakes up at the same time, every single day. But on days like these, Annabeth enjoys waking up early to admire the beauty of her girlfriend.

The sun was slightly peaking through the curtains, shining on Piper. She looks Aphrodite, herself, came down and blessed her with such great beauty. A few of her freckles were shaped like hearts. Her lips were slightly parted. Oh how, Annabeth longs to kiss her lips over and over again, but she does not want to wake her. She wants to stay in this moment forever, but instead she gets up and starts her morning.

Today was Valentine's day. A holiday that Annabeth didn't particularly enjoy, but now she was with Piper and this was their first time spending the holiday together. So, Annabeth wanted to make it special.

Piper has been "subtly" telling Annabeth that she wants a cat. Every time she visits Nico and comes back, all she would talk about is how cute their cat was and how she misses her old cat. And it's been going on for months.

It's not like Annabeth didn't want a cat, she was a cat person, as well. She just didn't have time to go and find one that was perfect for Piper.

Today was different. She was going to get a cat.

Someone knocked on the door and Annabeth grins. She had called Nico last night (midnight to exact) and begged them to help her get a cat. Nico begrudgingly agreed only because they needed to find something for Will.

She opens the door to see Nico, in all their glory. They looked exhausted, like they haven't slept for weeks.

"Um, Nico are you okay?" She asked.

"Yeah, I'm exhausted. I haven't really been sleeping well." They responded.


"I'm not entirely sure," Nico pauses. "I don't know how to describe it in english."

"Well, say it in Italian."

"You understand Italian?"

"Only a little bit."

"Oh, okay. Um, Il mio corpo fa male. Mi sembra che la mia spina dorsale sia in fiamme. Camminare è solo un lavoro da fare... fa così male." (my body hurts. it feels like my spine is on fire. walking is just a chore to do...it hurts so much).

Annabeth looks confused and Nico sighs.

"My body is in extreme pain."

She nods. "Ah. Do you know why?"

"No. Enough about me. We're here to get a gift for our partners."


Annabeth and Nico walked inside the pet store and looked for the cats. Annabeth was really excited, although this was a gift for Piper, it was also a gift for herself. They stop by the glass where the cats are. They all look so cute. She wants them all.

"Do you think Piper would be mad if I adopted all of them?"

"Probably not, but I don't think it's a good idea."

Annabeth sighed and looked at two specific cats. The two cats were curled up next to each other. One cat was a fluffy calico and the other was a brown cat (which was my pretty rare). Annabeth knew she wanted those two. She knew that Piper would adore them as much as she does.

So she got them


The cats names were Paprika (calico) and Cinnamon (brown cat). She loved the names and decided not to change them. They were perfect.

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