Leo needs help

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(art by: fluffyfurbie on instagram)

a/n: Before we begin I would like to address the harassment that Leah (the girl who plays Annabeth) has faced due to the fact that she is a black girl and not a white girl. Her tiktok account has been banned three times from racist people reporting her. I encourage all of you to please support Leah. If you make fanart, I encourage you to draw Leah as Annabeth. Stop drawing her as white. If you do, please for the love of gods, do not post your white annabeth art in the hashtag #leahisourannabeth. If you can't draw black people, LEARN. Please support Leah. She needs it more than ever. Now, enjoy the story.

the lost trio group chat

mcshizzle: gays, i need help

beautyqueen: with what?

mcshizzle: confessing my feelings to frank

mcshizzle: the floor is now open for suggestions

superman: wait

superman: confess to frank?? omg

mcshizzle: yea now suggestions

beautyqueen: we need some reinforcement

beautyqueen added deathboi and sunshine

beautyqueen changed the chat name to leo's crush

mcshizzle: wow very discreet pipes

beautyqueen: ikr ☺️

sunshine: you have a crush???

deathboi: on who?

mcshizzle: on frank 🫣🫣

sunshine: oh i can see it. frank and leo

superman: valzhang

deathboi: what??

superman: it's their ship name

deathboi: ok whatever

deathboi: why are we here?

beautyqueen: to help

deathboi: why do we have to help?

beautyqueen: because

deathboi: ok fine. make a playlist for him or smth

mcshizzle: a playlist

sunshine: i made nico a playlist before we went out

deathboi: and i was completely oblivious to the fact that he did it bc he liked me

sunshine: it had a lot of love songs on their. idk how u missed

mcshizzle: what if frank misses the point 😟

sunshine: well he is a lot smarter than nico

deathboi: HEY 😡

sunshine: i mean it's true nico

deathboi: yeah but you didn't have to say it :(

mcshizzle: what do i put on the playlist

beautyqueen: whatever songs you think he'll like

sunshine: maybe a few romance songs

sunshine: maybe write in the description of the playlist saying i like you or smth

deathboi: that's what it said on my playlist

deathboi: oh 🧍🏻

mcshizzle: how did you miss that???

deathboi: i was crying over the fact that will made me playlist as friends do

sunshine: you thought that was platonic?

deathboi: yeah :(

deathboi: i didn't think you like me like that :((

sunshine: aw babe :(

mcshizzle: why have i never heard of this part of the solangelo story??

deathboi: it's embarrassing

superman: i can see why

deathboi: shut up

mcshizzle: ok make a playlist and make it clear that i'm in love with him. got it 👍🏾

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