annabeth's feelings

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art by: pmpkn_soup

wisegurl: thals, i need to tell you something

punk-lesbian: what's up?

wisegurl: ummmm promise u wont tell?

punk-lesbian: promise 

wisegurl: i have a crush on piper

punk-lesbian: deadass?

wisegurl: yep

punk-lesbian: well um how long have you known?

wisegurl: idk. probably long time and i just confused it for me wanting to be her

wisegurl: i want to tell her how i feel

punk-lesbian: oh im not good with that

wisegurl: i know that. who could help me confess my undying love to her?

punk-lesbian: oooh u love her?

wisegurl: yes!

punk-lesbian: i think will can help you. nico did explain how will confess his feelings and how romantic it was

wisegurl: didn't nico also say they had piper's help?

punk-lesbian: yeah and?

wisegurl: i-.....hmm


(private conversation with sunshine and wisegurl)

wisegurl: WILLIAM (middle name) SOLACE

sunshine: my middle name is andrew

wisegurl: oh thank you


sunshine: yeah?

wisegurl: I NEED YOUR HELP

sunshine: ok

wisegurl: so um i have a crush on piper and i need help confessing to her

sunshine: ok. why me tho?

wisegurl: bc nico said when you confess to him, it was very romantic

wisegurl: and dont you dare say you had piper's help

sunshine: ok um well you could (*insert creative plan bc im not that creative*)

wisegurl: wow that could work. you're a genius 

sunshine: yeah ik 😌. only if nico believes it

wisegurl: just tell him i said it. if the smartest one thinks that then it's true


a/n: ooooh~ annie is in love with pipes 😏

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