trans visibility day

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(this chapter is brought to you by a non-binary bisexual :))

mcshizzle made a groupchat

mcshizzle added seaweedbrain, punk-lesbian, art_mom, flowerqueen, and theprankman to the groupchat

mcshizzle changed the name to the trans crew

mcshizzle: welcome my trans crew!!!

art_mom: uh who's 'theprankman'?

theprankman: oh, im connor stoll! i use he/him pronouns

art_mom: cool beans, u wanna be adopted?

theprankman: uh sure

art_mom: congratulations, u are now my child!

theprankman: yay!!!!

theprankman: wait,,,is that a good thing?

art_mom: yes

punk-lesbian: no

art_mom: ssssshhhhh i will unadopt you 

punk-lesbian: oh no, that sucks

art_mom: fuck you

mcshizzle: anygay,,,,

mcshizzle: guess who's getting top surgery next month

seaweedbrain: omg you're getting your top surgery

mcshizzle: yessir

themanprank: mine's in july,,,plenty of time to prepare

mcshizzle: hell yeah


a/n: this chapter is really bad 😅 i just really wanted to write a chapter abt trans visibility day

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