Leo's birthday

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mcshizzle: HOES, HOES

mcshizzle: GUESS WHAT

art_mom: what?

mcshizzle: i just got my top surgery 

seaweedbrain: OMG CONGRATS 

punk-lesbian: no more binder

mcshizzle: ikr. im so happy

wisegurl: do you still want us to throw you a party for your birthday?

mcshizzle: of fucking course

mcshizzle: we'll just sit around and chat

RARA: that sounds good


a/n: so i'm trying smth and writing this part in first person to see if i like it more.

*Leo's pov*

The gang was all here in my apartment, sitting in my living room, watching a movie.

Jason and Percy were on the floor, both holding a glass of wine. Jason's arm was wrapped around Percy's waist, while Percy was laying his head on his shoulder.

Next to them, Hazel and Frank, who were snuggled up together. On the other side of Jercy was Annabeth and Piper. Piper was perched in Annie's lap. Next to them, was Theyna. They were bickering about something. Sitting on the couch, were me, Rachel, Will, and Nico. Rachel was on the left of me, laying her head on my shoulder, her arm was around my shoulder. In her other hand was a can of monster. Nico and Will were on the other side of me. However, they weren't cuddling. Which was very weird for them. 

Besides them being known as the couple that tells each other everything, they're also very cuddly. Like, there's never not a time where they aren't cuddling. Well, expect this time. Nico was hugging his knees and Will was sitting crisscross. Neither of them leaning in with each other.

"Psst, Rach." I whispered.

"Yeah?" She whispered back.

"Help me to the kitchen."


Rachel stands up, pulling me up with them. We walk to the kitchen, Rach throwing her monster away.

"Okay, Rachel, can I ask you something?" I asked, still whispering.

"Sure." She whispered, as she raided my fridge.

"Um, do you know what's up with Nico and Will? They're not acting like themselves."

"I think they had an argument. Last week, when Pipabeth became cannon, and Will wasn't responding to Nico. Well, Will came home angry and walked into his room, Nico following in suite. There was some yelling and crying. Then, Will left. This was the first time I've seen him since then. He wasn't responded to me either, which was weird because I haven't done anything."

"Damn. Wait, didn't y'all come here together?"

"Yeah, he finally responded when I asked him to take us here. Nico sat in the back  and was very silent during the ride. Will was silent too. The tension was so thick. The most awkward ride ever. Though, they did act like everything was fine, when you opened the door."

I sighed. "Do...do you think they might break up?"

"I hope not. They love each other. This will be resolved eventually."

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