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beautyqueen made a groupchat

beautyqueen added wisegurl, superman, deathboi, sunshine, RARA, art_mom, punk-lesbian, diamonqueen, and seaweedbrain

beautyqueen named the groupchat MISSION GET VALZHANG TOGETHER

beautyqueen: alright queers, leo and frank are in love with each other

diamondqueen: what???

beautyqueen: they both told me that they have a crush on each other

diamondqueen: huh frank and leo. yeah i can see it 🤔

superman: are we brainstorming how we could get them together?

beautyqueen: yes. any ideas??

art_mom: no 💔

sunshine: um...no

deathboi: i don't have any ideas either

beautyqueen: 😑

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