it was gay! why should i have to apologize?

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(Art by: piddalicious)

mcshizzle: piper is mad at me

superman: why? what did you do?

mcshizzle: i was over at her place and her and annabeth were cuddling, so i went 'GAY!' and now she's mad at me :((

deathboi: maybe you should apologize?

beautyqueen: yeah bully ☹️

mcshizzle: it was gay! why should i have to apologize?

mcshizzle: i saw gay so i said gay! it's not bullying, that's an astute observation

wisegurl: you shouldn't call things gay

wisegurl: that's homophobic

mcshizzle: i hate all of you

mcshizzle left demi-gays

beautyqueen: nooo leo  ☹️💔

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