Piper asks for Annie's help

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art by: griabuggie

Piper couldn't believe what she had done.

Piper kept thinking about the text that Annabeth had sent in the group chat

if you need help, i could help yk.

So Piper did the only thing she could think of. She pulled out her phone and texted Annabeth.

beautyqueen: hey, can you do me a favor?

Piper set down her phone. Her heart beating fast. A few moments later, her phone buzzed.

wisegurl: depends on what it is

beautyqueen: um i need a second a opinion on a few designs that i made and other stuff. nico usually helps me but he's busy

That was a lie. In fact, Nico was the one who told her to invite Annabeth over. Her phone buzzed again.

wisegurl: sure. what time do you want me to come over?

beautyqueen: um maybe 5?

wisegurl: ok.i'll be over soon

beautyqueen: great 

Two hours. Annabeth will be here in two hours. It seems so close, but so far away. Piper quickly grabs a few outfits that she knows for sure Annabeth has never seen before. She pulled out her Greek collection, which she absolutely loves. 

(for reference, these are the outfits bc i'm too tired to describe them:

(for reference, these are the outfits bc i'm too tired to describe them:

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i found these on pinterest, so i dont have credit for them)

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i found these on pinterest, so i dont have credit for them)

Piper laid them down on her bed and went to her bathroom to see how she looked. She looked liked a mess. Her hair wasn't brushed and was greasy. Quarantine had made her care less about what she looked like, but since Annabeth is coming over, she wanted to look cute.

Piper takes a "quick" shower.

45 minutes later, Piper hops out of the shower and gets dressed. She starts blow drying her hair, when her phone buzzed.

wisegurl: hey do u mind if i come a litte early?

beautyqueen: no, not at all

wisegurl: great! i'm at your door rn

What?! Piper heard a knock on the door. 

Piper glanced at herself in the mirror, she looked ok. She ran out of the bathroom, falling down on her way towards the door. 

She opened the door revealing Annabeth. Annabeth hair was put into a messy ponytail. She was wearing a black turtleneck tucked into black skinny jeans. She was also wearing  a dark blue jean jacket and a black bag at her side

She was absolutely beautiful. 

Meanwhile, Piper looked like a mess. She was wearing black adidas shorts with a white sweater. Her hair is messy because she didn't brush it after blow drying it. But to Annabeth thought she looked amazing. She couldn't help but stare.

Gods she beautiful, Annabeth thought. Piper gave her an awkward smile.

"Um h-hi." Piper stuttered, shaking Annabeth out her thoughts. 

"Are you okay? I heard a thud after I knocked." Annabeth asked, tilting her head.

She blushed,"Oh! Yeah I'm fine, just tripped."

"Oh, well, can I come in?"

Piper nods and moves out of the way for Annabeth to come in.

As she walks in she asks, "So, where are the outfits?"

"T-there in my room. I'm going to do a fashion show...kind of. Um, make yourself at home." 

Annabeth nods, sitting down on the couch. Piper make her way into the room to put on the first dress.

Gods, why is this so awkward? You known her for years! YEARS! Piper thought.

She puts on the first dress and exits the room.

~time skip bc author is too tired and burnt out~

"So, do i need to make any improvements to any of these?" She asked, wearing the last dress (last picture)

"No. They all very beautiful."

"Thanks." Piper blushed.


After awhile, Annabeth had to leave, for she had work tomorrow. 

"I had a lot of fun hanging out with you." Annabeth said, leaning against the door.

"Y-yeah. I-I did t-too." Piper stuttered, giving her a smile.

"Well, see you later."

"Yeah. See you later..."

Annabeth left, leaving Piper looking at the door, where she once stood. Her heart ached. All she wanted was to be with Annabeth. She wished that Annabeth stayed the night, but of course, she had important things to do. Piper sighs and walks to her room.


Annabeth couldn't believe. She had just realized that she was in love with Piper McLean.

Holy shit

Holy shit

Holy shit

Holy shit

Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit!

Holy shit! ,(a/n: Why, when you see boys fight does it look so horrible yet feel so right-) Annabeth thought.

She was in love with Piper.

When she got home, she immediately texted Thalia.

Wisegurl: thals, i need to tell you something


a/n: *gasps* a cliffhanger?! Oh my 😱

Yeah um im not good at writing serious shit. i mainly write shitpost that doesnt make sense. so if yall have any tips, leave them down below

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