Why did you leave?

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a/n: hello! it is I, percy, the author. I have decided to write some angst. so buckle up.

TRIGGER WARNING: implied suicide attempt and relapse


*Will's pov*

Will should have seen the signs. He should've notice what was going on with Nico. By the time he noticed, it was too late.

For the past few weeks, Nico was acting strange. They have been a lot more quiet than usual. They were extra clingy, though Will didn't mind that part. 

Nico looked broken, though they knew how to hide it well. But, Will knew them for long. Why couldn't he see it?

One day, Will was driving home from work. He was so exhausted and didn't want to cook. He knew the others didn't either, so he decided to get some Chinese takeout. He texted the group-chat that he, Nico, and Rachel are in, telling them about dinner. Nico didn't respond. Though, they don't usually text back in that group-chat, so Will wasn't worried.

When Will got home, the apartment felt off. He place the food on the dinning table and called out for Nico and Rachel. Rachel appeared first, digging through the bag for her food. Nico didn't come out.

He turned to Rachel, who was munching on an egg roll. "Where's Neeks?"

They shrug. "Dunno. I haven't seem them today."

Will started to fidget with the hem of his shirt. "Um, okay." He makes his way towards their bedroom. His heart was pounding. Why was he so scared to go to in the bedroom?

He slowly opens to door, only to be greeted with the cat sleeping on the bed. No Nico. Will pulls out his phone to call them. The phone rings for a few minutes, then went to voicemail.

He tried again.

No one answered.

He tried again.

Once again, nobody answered.

Will tries several more times, panic bubbling in his chest.

He pulled the phone away from his ear and texted Nico.

Will 💛: hey baby, i'm home with food :). when are you coming home? i'll try to keep the food warm. i love you

Will tries to calm down, but his body won't let him. His body is screaming 'SOMETHING'S WRONG'. He takes a deep breath and changed his clothes.


Nico didn't return that night. Nor did they respond to Will. Will called them again, leaving them a voicemail.

"Hey sunshine, it's Will. I'm just wondering where you are. You haven't been answering my calls...Are you okay? Why did you leave? Did something happen? Just call me back, okay?"


"I love you." Then he hung up.

The next morning, Will woke up with two notifications. Nico had posted something on his socials. He checked the twitter one first.

Nico @nicodiangelo

i think i'm done

Will felt the panic rise in him as he quickly responded to them

will ☀ @sunnyboy

done with what baby?? are you ok :((

Will open the Instagram post seeing a picture of Nico smoking. They had stop smoking cigarettes in the senior year of high school. Had they relapse? Maybe it was a old picture?

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