Love and comfort

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art by: griabuggie

Will has his ups and downs, but never this bad. He hardly wanted to get up and go to work. Work was a lot harder than usual for him. The long hours, standing on his feet all day, frankly made him want to die.

When he got home, Nico or Rachel were out, so he had the apartment to himself. Which wasn't what he wanted. All he wanted was Nico to hold him, maybe thread their fingers through his hair. That would have been nice. But since Nico isn't here, Will just decides to take a nice bubble bath.

45 minutes later and still no sign of Nico or Rachel. He decides to call Nico, wanting to know where they were and when they'll come back home.

The phone rang three times before going to voicemail.

"The hell?" Will muttered. He tries again and the same thing happened.

Will texts them to see if they would answer.

Will: hey when are you coming home?

Nico, who usually responds immediately to him, doesn't respond back.

Maybe they finally realize that they were better off without you, voice said in the back of Will's head.

Will grip on his phone tightens. "No, Nico wouldn't...They would have told me if they wanted to break up. They..." Will answers the voice aloud. The cat perks at his voice.

Then, why do you hesitate?

Will lips quivers. Why did he hesitate? Tears pricked his eyes as he ran into his bedroom. He throws himself onto the bed and just sobs. He cried until his voice was hoarse and his sides hurt.

Nobody would want you. You're so pathetic. You want to quit medical school because it's too hard for you. You want to quit your job because it doesn't accommodate your needs. Pathetic. That's what you are. Pathetic

Will felt his eyes tear up again. He really was pathetic. No wonder Nico left him.

The front door opens and Will hear people talking. He pulls the blanket over his head and hopes that whoever came home, leaves him alone.

The door to the bedroom opens and Nico walks in. He immediately pretends to be asleep.

"Will?" Nico called. "Are you asleep?"

They walked up to him and lightly shakes him. Will ignores them. He did not want to see them and hear that they want to break up with him. He wouldn't be able to bear it.

He feels Nico climb onto the bed.

"Hey, Will. I know you're awake."

He doesn't respond.

"Will, come on. What's wrong?"

He still doesn't respond. Maybe they'll leave him alone. Nico pulls the blanket off of Will to see his face.

"Have you been crying?"

Will's lips begin to quiver.

"Hey," They said, softly. They place their hands on his face and placing a soft kiss on his forehead. "What's wrong, Will?"

He started crying again. Why would he think that Nico would break up with him? Nico loves him so much.

Nico pulled him into a tight hug and started rubbing his back.

"It's okay." They cooed.

"I'm just having a bad day." Will mumbled.

"I'm sorry. Do you want to talk about it?"

Will shakes his head.

"Okay." Nico place a kiss against Will's temple. "Let's sleep, okay?"

Will nods.

They changed into their pajamas, brushed their teeth and laid down. Will was the little spoon for that night. It was quite nice.

The next day, Will told Nico everything he was feeling. His fears and insecurities.

Nico reassures him that they aren't going to leave him. No matter what.

No matter what.

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