Pipabeth's first date

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art by: pmpkn_soup


*Annabeth's pov*

It's been three weeks since me and Piper had got together and we had yet been on a date. 

I mean, I've been too busy with work and Piper had family stuff she's been dealing with out of town. When I picked up Piper from the airport, she seemed to be stressed and upset about something. I wanted to ask her what was wrong, but I could tell she didn't want to talk about. So, I just wrapped my arms around her, hugging her tightly. 

Now, I've been planning a nice date for us to go on. I wanted to make Piper feel better and this is the best way.

I was planning a simple picnic, since Piper really doesn't like fancy stuff. She leans towards simple and sweet stuff. I went to the store to grab Piper's favorite food that would fit the picnic. 


"Piper!" I called, as enter her apartment.

Piper walked into the room in a bra in shorts, drying her hair. I stared at her. She was so beautiful. How the hell was she my girlfriend?

"What's up?" She said, pulling me out my thoughts.

"Uh, how do you feel about going on a date?"

"Um, what?"

"I kind of planned a date...since we haven't been on one yet."

"Oh. What kind of date?"

"Just a little picnic. Nothing to big."

"Uh w-when? Today?"

"If you're not busy."

"Yeah. Let me get dress."


Piper came out her room, wearing a black tank top, a read jacket, and blue mom jeans with black converse. She looks absolutely stunning. No matter what she wears, she looks absolutely beautiful.

"Uh, Annie, you're staring." She said, slightly smirking.

My cheeks heat up as I muttered a 'sorry'.

She giggles, "Let's go, silly."


Piper's pov

We arrived to the park. The same park I confessed my feelings to her.

She placed the blanket down and straighten it (hehehe straight), then place the basket down. 

She plops down and look up at me. "Are you going to sit down?" She  asked.

I sit down, laying my head on her shoulder.

"Why'd you plan this?" I asked, holding her hand.

"Because we... haven't... been...on one..."

I raised an eyebrow. I know there was more to it than that. "What is the real reason?"

She sighed. "You've been really down lately and I thought I could cheer you up with a date."

"Awww Annie!!!" I hug her tightly. I pulled her into kiss.


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