the L word

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beautyqueen made a group-chat

beautyqueen added deathboi, sunshine, RARA, punk-lesbian, seaweedbrain, superman, mcshizzle, art_mom, cinnamonroll, and agoldfish

beautyqueen named the group-chat The L word

beautyqueen: gays, help

cinnamonroll: what's up??

beautyqueen: i want to say the L word to annie

seaweedbrain: lesbian?

beautyqueen: no the other L word


beautyqueen: no love

mcshizzle: ooh you love annabeth~

beautyqueen: SHUT UP

RARA: just say it. it's not that hard

beautyqueen: IT IS TO ME!!!

beautyqueen: SO HELP!!!

sunshine: just say : 'i love you, Annabeth.' 

deathboi: yeah. i get that your nervous, i've been there. you just have to get it over with

beautyqueen: wait i thought will said 'i love you' first?

deathboi: that bastard said it out of no where, while i was talking

sunshine: you were geeking abt myth-o magic and that's when i realize that i wanted to spend my life with you

deathboi: aww  🥺💕

beautyqueen: be cute somewhere else, i'm having a crisis 

superman: practice in the mirror

agoldfish: or look up how to say 'i love you'

beautyqueen: ok. i'll do that


It's been a week since she had asked her friends for help. She's been practicing in the mirror and now she's ready to say it to Annabeth.

Piper was in the living room, anxiously waiting for Annabeth to get off work. She was suppose to get home around 5:30 , but she was running a little late. And by little, she means three hours. 

Did something happen to her? Piper thought. She isn't answering her phone.

A knock interrupted her thoughts. She excitedly goes to open the door, but she wasn't expecting to see a crying and disheveled Annabeth.

"Annabeth?! Are you okay?" Piper asked, wrapping her arms around the taller girl.

Annabeth says nothing just burying her face in her shoulder. 

"Let's go sit down."

Annabeth nods and walks over to the couch. Piper locks the door and sits down next to her, placing her hands over the blondes.

"What happen?" She asked, gently.

"I ran into my ex." 

Piper paused. "Percy?"

"No. Luke."


"Who is Luke?"

"A horrible person."

Piper nodded. She could tell that Annabeth didn't really want to talk about it.

"He said these nasty things to me...when I ran into him."

"Do I need to hit him with my car?"

Annabeth let out a quite laugh. "No. No. I don't want you to go to jail." She paused, more tears streaming down her face. Piper grabbed tissues, handing them to Annabeth. "He told me that I was unlovable."


"Is that true?"

"No! of course not! Look at all of our friends! Annabeth, you are not unlovable! I..." She takes a breath. "I lesbian you."

Annabeth smiled, trying not to laugh. "What?"

"I really mean that."

"I 'lesbian' you too"

Piper blush. "Wait-"

Annabeth started laughing as Piper buries her face into her shoulder.

"I mean, I love you." She muttered.

"I love you too."


beautyqueen: i said lesbian

sunshine: LMAO


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