Annie J̶e̶n̶n̶y̶

723 16 18

a/n: before we began, sorry for being gone for awhile. writers block.

also  happy (late) birthday Jason Grace! This one's for you.

tw// slight panic attack


Jenny, darling, you're my best friend

Piper hands were shaking when she sent that message. Oh, gods was she really going to do this? Was she really going to confess her feelings? Yes. She needs to.

But there's a few things that you don't know of

Ever since the big argument they had, Piper has been planning to tell her everything. How she feels. Just everything.

Why I borrow your lipstick so often
I'm using your shirt as a pillow case

Piper went into her closet, looking for something nice. She stops at the hoodie that Annabeth had given her for her birthday, the day of the argument happen. Her hand clutches on the hoodie. She continued looking for something to wear.

What she ended on wearing is a shirt with a bunch of flowers, a jean jacket, and black jeans.

(a/n: this:

I wanna ruin our friendshipWe should be lovers insteadI don't know how to say this'Cause you're really my dearest friend

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I wanna ruin our friendship
We should be lovers instead
I don't know how to say this

'Cause you're really my dearest friend

 Piper was scared of the outcome of this. What if Annabeth didn't like her? Would that ruin their relationship. Panic settle in her. Does she really want to risk losing her dearest friend? But the fight already put a dent in their friendship and she needed to tell her this.

Jenny, darling, you're my best friend
I've been doing bad things that you don't know about

As Piper was braiding her hair, her phone buzzed. She finished the braid and then looked at her phone.

wisegurl: what time?

Holy shit?! She agreed!, Piper thought.

beautyqueen: in an hour. so six. is that good?

wisegurl: yeah that's fine

Ok. Annabeth agreed to meet up. It's time to tell her everything.

Stealing your stuff now and then
Nothing you'd miss, but it means the world to me

Piper puts her earrings on (that she totally didn't steal from Annabeth) and head out of her apartment. She got into her car and drove to the store to get flowers. She chose purple lilacs. The symbol of new love.

I wanna ruin our friendship
We should be lovers instead
I don't know how to say this
'Cause you're really my dearest friend

Once, Piper got to the park, she found a place to hide and wait for Annabeth to arrive. Which was behind a slide.

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