it's not fair 😡

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seaweedbrain: yk what's unfair?

beautyqueen: what?

seaweedbrain: apparently, mr.d calls nico AND will by their actual names, but still calls ME peter johnson!!!

seaweedbrain: ITS SO UNFAIR!!!!

deathboi: well, be his favorite next time 🙄

sunshine: also mr.d adopted nico

mcshizzle: wait, mr.d is your dad???

deathboi: technically, no. i just look up to him as a father bc my dad has been absent for most of my life

art_mom: and that's on ✨daddy issues✨

mcshizzle: lmao

seaweedbrain: but i knew him longer 😭

deathboi: has he ever let u drink his wine

seaweedbrain: he lets u do what???

punk-lesbian: he has very good wine 😌👌

sunshine: yep 

seaweedbrain: wait, thals you had his wine???

RARA: i had his wine too

seaweedbrain: ok, who hasn't had his wine?

cinnamonroll: i haven't, but he has offered me some

agoldfish: same

mcshizzle: will convinced him to give me some

art_mom: he gave me some after i came out as non-binary, for celebration purpose

wisegurl: he let me drink some bc i told him i wanted to piss off my mom

beautyqueen: he lets me have it any time i want

superman: i did an favor for him, so he just gave me some

flowerqueen: he let me get some, after i had a mental breakdown

goatman: Conner stole some for me

seaweedbrain: so u ALL had some or at least got offered some???

deathboi: yep <3

seaweedbrain: does he call u by ur CORRECT NAMES???

wisegurl: only in serious moments

mcshizzle: i got him to call me mcshizzle

seaweedbrain: man 😭


a/n: ok, so mr.d is a family friend to all of them. yes, mr.d went to high school with their parents

mr.d own a wine company, that sells pretty good wine. however, percy never had it bc mr.d wont let him. why??? idk bc he just doesn't

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