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(a/n: caleo shippers you might want to skip this chapter...)

There he was in his bed, curled up in a little ball. Loud sobs coming from his mouth. 

My God, I'm so lonely. Leo thought. After awhile Leo gets up and exits his bedroom.  He walks out, onto his balcony. He needed fresh air. 

Below him, he hears  the sound of people. They're having fun, while he isn't.

Leo was the only single one in the group.

Nico and Will are literally obsessed with each other

Piper and Annabeth just said 'I love you' (well, technically, they said 'I lesbian you'.)

Percy and Jason have been talking about getting a puppy together.

Hazel and Frank are really cute together.

Juniper and Grover are...well Leo doesn't really know, but they're together.

Hell, even Rachel has been talking about a secret girlfriend.

Then there's him...

He has nobody.



He thinks about his ex, Calypso.

They dated throughout Junior and Senior year, but broke up before their first year of college due to her cheating on him. Now, he's crying again.

Jesus, He thought. I'm so pathetic. Why am I crying about her again?

He decided to go back inside, so his neighbors won't hear him. He grabs a blanket and lays down, curling himself into a ball.


Leo wakes up with someone knocking on the door. He decided ignore it. He rather not see any of his friends right now. The person kept knocking, however. 

Groaning, he gets up, with the blanket still around him.

To be honest, he was expecting Piper or maybe Rachel, but he definitely wasn't expecting-

"Calypso?" He said, shocked.

"Hi Leo." She said. She was wearing a nice sundress and sandals. Her hair was braided with sunglasses on her head. She was beautiful. He looked like a mess. He didn't care. Why should he? "Can I come in?"

A wave of anger suddenly came over him."Why are you here?"

"I just want to talk."

"How do you know where I live?"

"I asked Nyssa told me-"

"Why the hell did you go talk to my sister?" He said this a little to harshly. He doesn't care. He made it pretty fucking clear not to talk to him or his friends/family.

"I want-I need to talk to you."

"About what?"

"Can I come in?"

Leo sighs, "Fine."


Calypso looks around his apartment, which Leo assumes as her judging how small his apartment is.

"Your place looks nice."

"What did you want to talk about?"

Calypso blushed, "I-I want to get back together with you."

What?!, he thought.

"You want to what?"

"To get back together with you..."

"Why do you think I want to get back together with you? You cheated on me!"

"Nyssa told me you wanted someone to date..." She whispers.

"Yeah, not someone who cheated on me!" Tears started to stream down his face.

"Why can't you let that go?!"

"Because you might cheat on me again if we get back together! You have no idea how much I cried after we broke up! After I walk in on you sleeping with another guy, then put it on your Instagram story!"

"I'm sorry but-"

"And don't get me started on the way you look at my friend Percy! You were so clearly in love with him!" He was full on crying now. "Why did you cheat on me?"

"I-I..." She paused. "I wanted a real man...BUT I DON'T THINK LIKE THAT ANYMORE!"

Leo bawled his hands into fist. "get out..." He whispers.

"W-what?" She said, softly, her own tears streams down her face.

"Get out. Leave. Never talk to me again."



Calypso sighs and walks out off his apartment. As soon as she closes the door, he ran to the door, locking it. Then, he slides down the door, crying into his knees. He was crying so loud, he might've woke up the neighbors, but the argument might've already done that.

"nobody...nobody..." Leo softly sings to himself.





 a/n: i apologize to any caleo shippers reading this. i'm not a big fan of it (obviously). so if you're expecting any caleo, your def not going to see it.

hopefully, yall arent made at leo for being harsh on calypso. you have to understand where he's coming from

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