Q&A (1)

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hello! i got a few questions to answer, so here's it is. you can ask more questions if you want

@pipermcleansimp asked for Will: how are you feeling?

Will: oh uh, i'm fine, i guess. i mean, i've been better 

@pipermcleansimp asked for piper: when are you telling Annabeth your feelings?

Piper: idk soon. very soon

@pipermcleansimp asked for leo: did you know that you're very cool?

Leo: yes i know. i'm very cool 😎👊

@pipermcleansimp asked for nico: has your mental health worsened during quarantine?

Nico: not really. at least, not as bad as Will's. I don't know. I have gotten a lot better since high school. i also took a year off before i went to college to focus on my mental health. Will hasn't done that. he never really pay attention to his health. which, he has said that he and his therapist are working through that

@TheBookofBlossoms asked for piper: You know Piper, why is she so scared to ask out Annabeth when it's so blatantly obvious that she likes her back?

Me: that's a good question, pipes why are scared of asking out Annabeth?

Piper: um idk...she's very pretty and i'm very scared of rejection 

Me: you are very oblivious aren't you?

Piper: what? 

Me: nothing 

so that's all the questions i got. if you want your questions asked, leave them down below! i'll probably make a pride chapter this week. also piper's birthday is tomorrow so look forward to that.

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