💀s o l a n g e l o☀

998 23 11

(i saved this photo on my computer a while ago, so i dont remember who made it. if y'know who made it leave it down below)

(private conversation between sunshine and deathboi)

sunshine: hi baby 🥺

deathboi: hi will

sunshine: i miss yooouuuu

deathboi: i miss you too

deathboi: when are you coming home?

sunshine: in an hour or so

deathboi: uuuuggggghhhhh

sunshine: dont worry baby, i'll be home soon and shower you in kisses

deathboi: ok,,,

sunshine: i love yoooouuuu

deathboi: i love you too


Nico sighed. Will has spend a lot of time studying. He gets that Will is a medical student and they have to study hard for test or whatever. But Nico wants to cuddle and relax. Especially on the weekends.

Nico was watching the office, mainly because he was bored and he didn't want to get ahead of he show he and Will are watching together. He ended up falling asleep by the fifth episode.


Will was so exhausted. He'd been studying 24/7. He hardly ever gets sleep.  It's gotten to a point where he snapped at Nico. Afterwards, Will kept apologizing to him. He just felt so bad. 

Will has been looking at his textbook for at least seven hours. He's starting to regret choosing to be an doctor. He could have been an musician or an actor, but nooo he had  to be an doctor.

*time skip to three hours later*

Will checked his phone for the time. 

6:30 p.m.

Wait...6:30?! He was supposed to be home three hours ago?! Shit

Will hurriedly to puts his stuff in his bag and ran out the library.


30 minutes later, he made it back to his apartment. When he opened the door, he was fully expecting Nico standing there, demanding why he was late, but to Will's  surprise (not really) to see him asleep on the couch with the office playing on the tv.

Will puts his bag down, locking the door behind him. He walks into the kitchen, looks for something to eat. Ultimately, he decided to order pizza. He walks to the couch, scoping Nico in his arms and laid down on the couch and waits for the pizza. Nico nuzzles his head against Will's chest, making him melt. They've been together for five years, but Will still is amazed by how cute Nico can be.

Once the pizza has arrived, he (sadly) had to wake up Nico.

"Nico," He said, leaving kisses Nico's jaw line. Nico groaned turning on his other side, covering his face, making Will laugh.

"Sunshine, it's time to eat."

Nico groaned again.

"Fine, I'll eat all the pizza myself."

That seemed to get his attention. Nico sat straight up, looking at Will, with a very cutely.

a/n: like this:

a/n: like this:

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Will giggled. "C'mon sunshine." He helped Nico to his feet.

They walked into the kitchen and grabbed some pizza. They started talking about their day. Which was very boring for the both of them. 


Hours later, they went to bed. This was the first time in  forever, they are going to bed at the same. With Will's busy schedule and Nico being very tired all the time. They end up sleeping at very different times (if Will even goes to sleep).

"Goodnight, Nico." Will said, kissing Nico's forehead.

Nico sighs, "mhm g'night" He muttered.

"I love you."

"I love you too." Nico falls asleep, nuzzling Will's chest. Will sighs and kissed Nico's forehead again. After a few moments later, Will drifted to sleep.


a/n: i wanted to write something cute, so here it is!

anygay, how long do yall want this story to be? i honestly dont know how long i want this to be, so leave your suggestions below

(also i get this chapter is trash. i'm used to writing  shitposts, but i want to get better at it, so if you have any writing tips, leave them down below.)

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