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a/n:  the sad times are upon us 😔👊

mcshizzle: LOVE ISNT REAL 

mcshizzle: IT'S ALL A LIE

beautyqueen: what happened? are you thinking abt calypso again?

mcshizzle: no

mcshizzle: just dont go on twitter for awhile, maybe a few days

cinnamonroll: Why? Did something bad happen?

mcshizzle: yes

superman: uh what?

mcshizzle: i-i cant tell you. it's too much 

wisegurl: oh 

seaweedbrain: oh???????

mcshizzle: dont you say shit

wisegurl: 🤐


sunshine: are you referring to this?

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sunshine: are you referring to this?

deathboi: wait WHAT

agoldfish: no...this can't be real...

beautyqueen: love exist no more

superman: im going to cry

seaweedbrain: same, bro 😥

flowerqueen: this is so saddening

goatman: i cant believe this

mcshizzle: yes im refering to that. like what do we do now?

wisegurl: who get Petunia??????

RARA: his whole thing is loving his wife. what happens now???

art_mom: this fucking sucks

sunshine: i get that this is a sad moment, but he it's for his mental health. he was in rehab for a while and he cant handle being in a relationship rn. it isnt fair for his wife.

wisegurl: will's right

cinnamonroll: Wait, why was John Mulaney in rehab?

sunshine: drug and alcohol abuse

cinnamonroll: Ah okay

mcshizzle: i hope he gets well. i cant wait to see his new works

art_mom: same

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