Why do you love me?

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a/n: due to the solangelo's book title being leaked (check Mark Oshiro's twitter) here's another solangelo chapter. It's less angsty this time. Only slight angst, but not really. I just wanted to write how they got together in my AU ☹️💕. Also how Nico and Piper develop their friendship. Kind of.

also please listen to the song above and check wasia project out bc it has Will Gao, the actor for Tao, in it. Will and Oliva Hardy are incredibly talented. Go support them 


Today was Nico and Will's anniversary. Though they didn't have anything special plan, since they were both still emotionally exhausted from what happened three weeks ago.

The couple were just laying in bed, cuddling. Will was running fingers through Nico's hair, making them sigh in content. Every  year, Nico always asked why Will loved them. Each time, they got the same answer.

'Because I just do. You have to be a fool to not be madly in love with the Nico di Angelo.'

And each time, it cause to Nico to be all flustered.

This year, before Nico could ask, Will beat them to it.

"Why do you love me?"


Nico never truly understood why Will loved them. Nico was weird and creepy in other people's eyes, but to Will, Nico was practically a Greek god.

When they first met Will, they were kind of irritated by him. He was loud and always smiling, but Nico soon realized there was more of Will than he let on.

Will was so sad and so angry all the time. He just managed to hide it very well that Nico was surprised to find Will crying on the floor of his room.

Despite knowing this information, they still think of Will as a god. Gods can have flaws, right?

Against their will (pun not intended), Nico developed a crush on Will. Who wouldn't? Will's beautiful blue eyes, freckles that look like stars, and adorable dimples could make anyone swoon. 

Soon Nico's feelings was too overwhelming for them because of that one faithful day.

They were sitting on Nico's bed, Will's head resting on their shoulder, making Nico internally freak out. They were trying to focus on planning for their art project. They knew what art medium they wanted to do and the supplies they would need to go out to get. They just didn't know what to paint. 

The project requires them to draw someone/something they had never drawn before. Of course, their first thought of Will, but they've drawn Will plenty of times (not that Ms. Rhea would ever know that). And they would have picked him, but this was going in a art show. Nico would be very embarrassing to see Will's reaction to the painting of him.

Nico sighed, leaning their head back against their headboard, making Will perk up.

"Somethin' wrong, Neeks?" Will asked, his southern drawl slipping in, making Nico flush.

"I-I told you not to call me that." They responded, blushing madly.

Will grinned, poking Nico's face. "I'll never stop calling you that. Now, answer my question."

"Well, um, I need to paint something or someone I never have before."

Will's grins widens, as he gets of the bed. "You should paint me," he strikes a pose, "paint me like one of your French girls."

Nico's face reddens as Will keeps posing, "the assignment calls for someone I haven't drawn." As soon as those words came out of their mouth, Nico immediately regrets them.

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