How do I somehow feel guilty, when you're the one who let it get this bad?

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*Piper's pov*

It's been an hour since that whole incident and Piper's head was still reeling with what happened. All she knew was that Luke used to date Annabeth and it ended horribly.

Now they happen to run into him at a coffee shop and he tried to take Annabeth away. Piper pictured Luke as this horrible looking guy. But in actuality, he wasn't to bad looking. He looked like Prince Charming. The only things that stood out was his grotesque scar over his eye and his cold smile. Then he has the nerve, to show up and what? Did he want Annabeth back? The way he grabbed her...

Okay, Piper needs to stop thinking about this before she punches something.

Hazel was comforting her, keeping her from combusting right on her couch. Piper was extremely grateful for her. The Levesque-di Angelo kids defiantly knew how to calm people down.

"Percy said that Annabeth is at his place." Hazel said, pocketing her phone.

"Thank gods."

"Do you want to watch a movie or something?"

Piper nods. Hazel puts on Puss in Boots: The Last Wish, for the feel goodness Piper was currently craving.

30 minutes in, there was a knock on the door. The girls looked at each other quizzically. As far as both of them were aware, they didn't invite anyone.

Piper goes to open the door, revealing a man with glasses and dark skin like Annabeth's. He looked familiar...

"Oh hello," the man clears his throat. "Does a girl name Annabeth live here?" He starts fidgeting with his wedding ring. He was clearly nervous about something.

"Uh, yeah," Piper said. "She's out right now, but I can take a message."

"Oh no. When will she be back?"

She shrugs.

The man frowns. "I really need to speak to Annabeth."

"Well, she isn't here. And who are you anyway?"

"Fredrick Chase, Annabeth's dad." He adjusts his glasses.

That's where she recognized him. Annabeth showed her a picture of her and her dad. Although he was wearing a pilot hat with googles, he looked the same.

"Oh..." Piper didn't know what to do. Should she let him in or tell him to come back later? Would Annabeth even want to see him? She mentioned her strained relationship with her father. Piper didn't want to put more stress on her girlfriend just because he's her dad.

Piper looked at his face, his eyes shown with desperation. She sighs, "do you want to come in?"

"Yes, thank you." He walks in, notices Hazel and gives her a nervous wave. Then sits down at the other end of the couch.

Piper quickly pulls out her phone and texts Annabeth.

To Annabae ❤️❤️:

hey um your dad's here. so call me when you can.

Annabae ❤️❤️: i'm on my way now


Annabeth busts in with Percy in toe, glaring daggers at her father. "What are you doing here?"

Mr. Chase stands up, "I wanted to see you! I missed you and-"

"No." She cuts him off. "I have given you so many chances to redeem yourself and every time you side with her." She said 'her' like it was poisonous.

"I know, dear, but you are family-"

"Let me be real with you, dad. The only family I have is Magnus and aunt Natalie. You and mom both constantly discarded me. I was never good enough for mother. You always sided with Helen. You never gave me a chance. I was on the streets at seven! Did you even care enough to look for me? You put so much effort in finding Magnus when he was missing, but me? At seven years old, you didn't even bother to put up flyers. "

"Annabeth, please. I know I've messed up, but I changed. Please, I just want you back in my life. You just cut me out like I was nothing."

Annabeth lets out a dry laugh. "Are you serious? Why do I have to feel guilty, when you caused this? You are the one who let it get this bad!"


"No. I literally do not want to see you. Just get out of my house and do not talk to me or my girlfriend ever."

"Girlfriend?" He looks at Piper, who glares at him in return. "I thought you were with Percy?"

"We broke up in high school." Percy supplied, crossing his arms.


"Now, Annabeth has made it clear that she doesn't want you here, so would you please..."Piper gestures to the door. Mr. Chase lowers his head and walks out.

Annabeth collapsed on the couch, a hand covering her face. "I just need a none emotionally exhausting day."

Piper sits down next to her, wrapping her arms around her girlfriend. Percy made himself comfy on the coffee table, like he was a fucking cat. Hazel moved closer to Annabeth, placing a comforting hand on her leg.

"Our annual Christmas party is coming up. Where you get to be with your real family. No toxic ex, no neglectful parents, just us." Percy smiled. "And hey! We can invite Magnus and his friends over!"

Annabeth smiled. "I'm so lucky I have you guys."


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