✨Leo is fergalicious✨

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mcshizzle: i'm feraglicious


sunshine: definition?

mcshizzle: make them boys go loco

deathboi: will don't encourage him!

sunshine: sorry i had too

wisegurl: no you didn't

seaweedbrain: i mean if he didnt i would

deathboi: idc if u did. it's the fact that he's my boyfriend

wisegurl: and we expect you to do it

seaweedbrain: i guess...

mcshizzle: im too hot!

mcshizzle: HOT DAMN

beautyqueen: leo, if you're hot, why are you single?

mcshizzle: YOU KNOW WHAT-

punk-lesbian: pipes aren't u also single?

beautyqueen: ssshhhhhhh

beautyqueen: besides, im working on a plan to ask out this girl i like

mcshizzle: ooooh~ who's the gal?

beautyqueen: none of your business

mcshizzle: is she in this chat?

beautyqueen: ...no

mcshizzle: hmmmm 

RARA: is she single?

beautyqueen: would yall stop questioning me? u would know later

mcshizzle: fine


a/n: what's piper's secret plan? how fergalicious is leo? who knows

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