leo knows

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(private conversation between beautyqueen and mcshizzle)

mcshizzle: so when were you going ti tell me?

mcshizzle: sorry **to

beautyqueen: what?

mcshizzle: your crush on annabeth

beautyqueen: WHAT



mcshizzle: it so obvious now. i cant believe im just noticing now

beautyqueen: is it really obvious?

mcshizzle: if u really pay attention, you would notice it

mcshizzle: like, u play with ur hair when u talk to her

mcshizzle: u stare at her. u laughed at all her jokes. even the stupid ones

mcshizzle: u get all nervous and awkward around her

beautyqueen: 0-0

beautyqueen: i really do all that dont i?

mcshizzle: yeah

beautyqueen: damn

mcshizzle: does anyone else know?

beautyqueen: nico. probably will

mcshizzle: probably will?

beautyqueen: nico might've told will. im not sure

mcshizzle: ok


(private conversation with mcshizzle and sunshine)

mcshizzle: yooooo wiiiiiiiilllllllllllllll

sunshine: yes?

mcshizzle: do u mind if i ask u a question?

sunshine: ask away

mcshizzle: ok so, yk how pipes is planning? do u know who?

sunshine: nico may or may not have mention it. why?

mcshizzle: ok so yk it's annabeth?

sunshine: yes. why are u asking?

mcshizzle: no reason


(back with beautyqueen and mcshizzle)

beautyqueen: leo?

beautyqueen: leeeeeeeeeeeeeo

beautyqueen: leeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeo

beautyqueen: leeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeo

beautyqueen: why dont u reply?

(a/n: if u watch jarvis johnson u would get this reference)

mcshizzle: so will said nico told him

mcshizzle: also, what the fuck?

beautyqueen: what? u went off somewhere without telling me where

beautyqueen: also sort of figured nico told will. they tend not to keep things from each other

mcshizzle: yeah. so whats ur plan in telling annie?

beautyqueen: um nico is giving tips to make sure annabeth notices me

mcshizzle: weird

beautyqueen: how is it weird?

mcshizzle: bc solangelo only happened bc u helped them get together. now nico is doing that to u

beautyqueen: ig it's a little weird...


a/n: i dont know 

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