Good 4 U

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a/n: Olivia Rodrigo 😚💕

i just realize that i forgot abt reyna's birthday. so uh happy late birthday reyna! this chapter is for you!

Thalia knocked on Annabeth's door, holding Reyna's hand. The door slowly opens up, revealing a disheveled looking Annabeth. Her face was tear stained. Her now shortened hair is a greasy and all over the place. She was wearing a  University of Texas  hoodie that was big on her with plaid pajamas pants. Thalia doesn't know where she got that hoodie. Her family never lived/went to college in Texas. Though, she does know that Annabeth was in distress.

"Hey guys." She said, her voice was raspy.

"Hey Annie," Thalia said. "How are you feeling?"

"I feel like shit." she sighs, tucking her hair behind her ear.

"Yeah well, no offense, you look like shit. It's been like what? Two days? How did this happen?"

"I-I don't know..."

"Well, can we come in?" Reyna asked.

"Uh sure, yeah, come in." Annabeth open the door wider for them. They walk in, Annabeth closing the door behind them. 

"So, can you tell us what happen after the party?" Reyna asked. Thalia glared at her, knowing full well, Annabeth doesn't want to talk about it. "Only if you want too." She adds, taking the hint Thalia's glare had meant.

"Yeah, I guess I have to." Annabeth begins to tell what had happen.



(a/n: there's a point where thalia and reyna interrupt the story line, so if it's in bold italic, that's them and Annie talking)

Annabeth was pretty annoyed. Why was Piper avoiding her? What had she done to make her upset? Her and Piper have been hanging out a lot recently, maybe she'd said something that made her uncomfortable. But what?

Will walked up to Annabeth and started talking to her.

"Hey Annabeth, what's up?" He asked. He was holding an red plastic cup, you see in movies, most likely filled with vodka lemonade.

"Uh nothing much." Will started babbling about something, she wasn't listening, all she could think about was Piper. And not in the 'wow she's pretty and can't get her out of my head' way. She noticed Piper looking at her. She looked back, narrowing her eyes. Piper quickly looks back at Thalia. 

That's it, Annabeth thought.

"Do you know why Piper has been avoiding me?" She asked, interrupting Will.

"Piper has been avoiding you?" He tilts his head. Gods, Nico was right, Will did look like a puppy when he tilts his head.

"Yeah. Do you know why? Has Nico said anything to you that might allure to why? You and Nico tell each other everything right?"

Will frowns at that. She takes a mental note to ask him about that later. "Uh no, sorry I don't. Nico hasn't said anything." He chugs his drink.

Thalia: that's weird.

Reyna: yeah did something happen between them?

Annabeth: I'm about to get there.

She nods. She noticed Will changed in behavior when she mentioned Nico. "Hey are you alright? You suddenly got uncomfortable when I mentioned Nico. Did something happen between you two?"

"No. It's just I don't like me and Nico being known as the couple that tells each other everything. I mean we do tell each other everything, but still. I sometimes want to keep somethings to myself like -Annabeth: he asked me not to tell anyone this so we're skipping over his rant-

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