nico's birthday

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today was nico's birthday. will and the others have been planning his 'party' for a little while. of course, due to covid, their friends couldn't be there in person.  

so there was will, in his apartment, sitting on the counter with his laptop zooming with the group, waiting for nico to return. 

"where the hell is your boyfriend at, solace?" piper said.

"i don't know. he was gone before i was awake." will responded.

"where do you think he went?" 

"i don't know"

"why don't you call him?" Rachel suggested. "you have a phone, don't you?"

oh right...

will pulled his phone out his sweatpants and dialed nico's number. he held the phone to his ear, and let the phone ringed.

by the third ring, nico picked up.

"hello?" nico said.

"hey sunshine!" will said, cheerly 

"um, did you need something?"

"uh yeah. when are you coming home? i have something i want to give you"

will heard leo snickered, but he ignored it.

"oh um i'm on my way home right now"

"ok. i love yoooou"

nico laughed, "i love you too"

will hung up the phone and put it back in his pocket.

~10 min later~

will's head perked up when he heard keys unlocking the door and the doorknob turning. He jumped off the counter, waiting for nico to appear in the doorway. nico walked in the door holding a happy meal.

"hey" nico said.

"hey." will said. (say no to this intensified) 

"happy birthday!" he and the group yelled.

nico tilted his head, "oh yeah, i forgot about my birthday."

will rolled his eyes. nico looked over towards the laptop and saw his friends.

nico smiled, "hey guys"

"hey nico" they all said at once.

"sorry we couldn't physically be there" piper said.

"it's whatever"


for the rest of day, nico opens presents and ate cake. telling jokes and laughing their ass off. it felt like his friends were really there.

it was around midnight, the two boys were still up.

"so," will started. "how did you enjoy your birthday?"

"it was fun" nico said.

"that's good"

nico nods, tiredly. he laid his head on will's shouder. the blond chuckled. 


nico nods again. will grabbed the italian and went to their bedroom. he gently laid him down on the bed and climbed in next to him. he wrapped his arms around nico and pulled him close.

"happy birthday, sunshine." will muttered, kissing the top of nico's forehead. and then drifted to sleep.


a/n: so it's nico's birthday! happy birthday to him. also double update! hell yeah! this chapter sucks tbh and i wrote it at 3 am so oh well. 

anygay, enjoy this little drawing of nico:

also if yall don't mind, comment? i want to know what yall think of this

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also if yall don't mind, comment? i want to know what yall think of this. that's all i wanted to say so byeeee


(word count: 479)

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