Will and Piper's plan

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(art by: solisaureus)


beautyqueen: okay me and will have a plan

deathboi: what is it?

sunshine: so piper mentioned that leo could sing. so we thought maybe leo could sing to frank?

diamondqueen: :0 I love this idea.

seaweedbrain: so romantic 😍

superman: what song??

beautyqueen: well i did some spotify stalking and both frank and leo both like the song 'until i found you' by stephen sanchez. so maybe leo could do that??

RARA: that is a good song 

art_mom: how would we do this? like what would be a normal circumstances that leo singing in front of frank?

punk-lesbian: mr.d has a club, maybe we could ask him to help us out?

deathboi: it is gay so he wouldn't be opposed

diamondqueen: Let's put it in the works.


a/n: hey guys my school is starting up on monday (early i know) so updating will get irregular more than usual

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