leo: new pronouns, who's dis?

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a/n: ok, so number one, i'm back! number two, me and a friend on twitter were talking abt pjo, and they said that leo uses he/they pronouns, so i'm rolling with that

mcshizzle: he/him isn't slapping anymore :(

flowerqueen: oh no 😰

seaweedbrain: what pronouns are we using???

mcshizzle: he/they pronouns pls

seaweedbrain: yes sir!

mcshizzle: ty 😊

art_mom: omg 

art_mom: u use he/they pronouns

art_mom: me and juniper use she/they pronouns

art_mom: we'll be such a powerful trio!

flowerqueen: ooh! i'll love to be part of a trio

mcshizzle: hell yeah!

sunshine: wow rach is apart of two different trios

mcshizzle: wait, what's ur other trio???

art_mom: me, will, and nico. we're like a chaotic good trio

flowerqueen: so we be a chaotic evil trio??

mcshizzle: *gasp* yes!

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