Yet now, I find I've grown into a tall child

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Private conversations between agoldfish and mcshizzle

mcshizzle: hey are you awake?

mcshizzle: i can't sleep 

agoldfish: yeah i'm awake 

agoldfish: why can't you sleep?

mcshizzle: i don't really know. i just can't 

agoldfish: do you want me to come over?

mcshizzle: yes please 

agoldfish: omw 


Frank knocked on Leo's door. A few minutes later, Leo opens it. He was wearing green plaid pajama pants and an oversized hoodie. There were dark circles under their eyes and his curly hair was in disarray. Leo did not look great, to say the least.

"Leo..." Frank said, hesitating to ask this question. "Are you okay?"

Leo just collapse in his boyfriend's, startling the taller male, but he wraps his around them. "Not really..."

"What's wrong?" 

Leo looks up, tears welling in his eyes. "I-" he stops himself. "Come inside."


They were both sitting on Leo's couch, Leo placed his head on Frank's shoulder. Frank wraps his arms around them.

"So, um, are you okay?" He asks again.

Leo's sighs, " is the day my mom had died."


The both of them tend not to talk about their dead moms. It was a touchy subject. But Frank was always told Leo that if they needed to talk about it, he was willing to listen.

"It's just...I really miss her. I wish she was here." Leo let out a loud sob, burying his face in Frank's chest. Frank tightening his hold on Leo.

"I keep blaming myself for her death. The fire..."

"The fire wasn't your fault. It was faulty wiring."

Leo sniffles. "She would have loved you." He smiles slightly.

"My mom would have loved you too."

"I think I would have wowed your mom with all my amazing muscles." They said, flexing his arms.

Frank snorted. "Oh yeah."

"You don't think so?"

"No comment."

Leo sprang up from the couch, flexing his arms. "You don't think she would be impress by this?"

Frank laughed.

Leo's grin was big. "Thanks for coming over."

"Yeah. No problem. I love getting Leo time."

"Leo time?"

Frank blushes, "Yeah."


a/n: this chapter is short and probably doesn't make sense. oh well

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